Papers of Harold Holcroft
- Made:
- 1889-05-02-1983-06-01
- maker:
- Holcroft, Harold

These papers include correspondence, a scrapbook, engineering plans, technical specifications, photographs, an unpublished manuscript, and notebooks relating to field tests. They cover Holcroft's time at Great Western Railway, South Eastern & Chatham, and Southern Railway.
- Extent:
4 boxes
- Identifier:
- Access:
- Access is given in accordance with the NRM access policy. Material from this collection is available to researchers through Search Engine.
- System of Arrangement:
Original order has been preserved where possible. Where it has not been possible to ascertain original order, in the case of correspondence and field notes, chronological order has been used.
- copyright:
Copies may be supplied of items in the collection, provided that the copying process used does not damage the item or is not detrimental to its preservation. Copies will be supplied in accordance with the NRM's terms and conditions for the supply and reproduction of copies, and the provision of any relevant copyright legislation.