Various patent documents and other items relating to Frederick Henry Smith

A Letters Patent dated 22 Oct 1881 (no.4638) granted to Frederick Henry Smith for 'Improved arrangements and appliances for ventilating enclosed lamps, burners and stoves, also applicable to the ventilation of houses, chambers, kilns, closed vehicles or other places where it is required to remove warm or vitiated air, and to introduce cold or fresh air in place thereof without producing injurious or objectionable draughts or currents of air' plus a 'certificate of payment renewal and a 'Patent Office-Rules' booklet.
A Provisional specification patent no. 4638 with 6 diagrams.
A US patent document dated 22 April 1884 (no. 297,460), in an envelope addressed to F. H. Smith.
A Patent document for Belgium dated 13 Dec 1884 (no. 67,202) in an envelope.
Case for counsel's opinion signed T. Aston 15 Aug, 1885 plus specification for patent number 4638
A cover letter dated 6 Nov 1885 and opinion of W.Carpmael of Wilson, Bristows and Carpmael on patent 4638, dated 3 Nov 1885, in an envelope addressed to J. H. Smith.
A report from WH Beck, Consulting Engineer and Patent Agent dated 24 Dec 1885 to F. H. Smith on patent 4638.
A Letter from Carpmael regarding search of patent 4638 with related patent cited, dated 1883.
Letters and messages of testimonial on ventilation apparatus ref patent 4638 dated 1884-1885.
A covering letter and agreement with AEW Gwyn appolited agent for the sale and introduction of 'Smiths patent automatic aspirators' dated 8 May 1886, plus a newspaper cutting referring to letters to The Times, published in 1885.
- Extent:
approx 25 items
- Identifier:
- MS/0120/03
- Access:
- Open Access
- copyright:
Copies may be supplied in accordance with current copyright legislation and Science Museum Group terms and conditions