Album of newspaper clippings relating to Noble's career at Humber-Hillman
- Made:
- 1934-1937
- maker:
- Noble, Dudley Henry

The items in the album are chronologically arranged. The album includes articles from 'The Autocar' relating to caravans in the Sahara involving Noble when working for Humber-Hillman. Plus other articles including the release of the 'Minx'.
Page 1. Letter from William Rootes, Devonshire House, Piccadilly dated July 1934 to Mr. D. Noble reference the visit of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales to Coventry.
Loose items: Two letters from the Chairman of Humber Ltd, dated 26th September 1934 and 1935 to Mr. Dudley Noble advising him of a £50 bonus for each year.
Page 2. Newspaper cuttings from “World’s Press News” and the “Bystander” dated June and September 1934 reference the value of advertising and illustrating the new 1935 Hillman Minx Foursome Drop-head Coupe.
Page 3. Newspaper cuttings from “Sunday Express” “World’s Press News” and “Sporting & Dramatic News” ‘British cars are on top, introducing the new synchro-mesh gearbox’ and illustration of the new 1935, Humber Snipe Sports Saloons.
Page 4. Newspaper cutting from “The Daily Mail” dated September 1934 announcing the 1935 programme for the Hillman Motor Co.
Page 5. Two newspaper cuttings from “News Chronicle” and the “Daily Dispatch” dated September 1935 illustrating the new Hillman six-cylinder 20-70 h.p. saloon.
Page 6. Various newspaper cuttings from “Autocar,” “Motor Trader,” and “Sporting & Dramatic” dated October 1934.
Page 7. Illustrations from the “Daily Mail” and “Bystander” of the new six-cylinder Humber for 1935.
Page 8. A publicity photograph from “Illustrated Newspapers” showing a Hillman Minx in a Welsh beauty spot dated November 1934. Two magazine photographs from “Illustrated London News” show the 1935 Hillman six-cylinder model and the Humber six-cylinder Snipe saloon.
Page 9 & 10. These two pages are illustrations of Hillman and Humber cars publications have used during October 1934.
Page 11 & 12. Newspaper cuttings ‘Disconnected Jottings’ by the scribe from “Autocar” and “Motor Trader” dated December 1934, regarding a publicity trip with a Humber Snipe car towing a Eccles caravan on route traversing the Sahara.
Pages 13 to 23. Newspaper cutting from “The Autocar” dated January to February 1935, titled ‘Land of Pastel Shades’ by The Scribe regarding a tour in the Sahara with a car and caravan to the seven mystery cites of the M’zab.
Page 24. Magazine cutting from “The Caravan & Trailer” dated March 1935 highlighting a letter from Humber Ltd. to Eccles Caravans praising the quality of their caravans.
Loose item: Poster 50 x 73 cms printed in red and green titled ‘Sunday Express, Sahara Romance’
Pages 25 to 31. Newspaper cuttings of the continuing story of ‘Land of Pastel Shades’ tour of the Sahara with car and caravan.
Page 32 to 35. Missing items.
Loose items: Four page illustrated supplement from “Modern Motoring” dated February 1935 titled ‘To the Sahara with a Snipe’ by Dudley H. Noble part 1. A three page illustrated supplement printed in pink part 2.
A two page cut out from “The Autocar” dated February 1935, showing four special body shapes for the new Wolseley Hornet Fourteen. Plus a cutaway diagram illustrating a new sports chassis with 1604 c.c. six cylinder engine.
A front page of “Daily Express” dated February 1935 advertising Sahara Adventure, a British car with caravan in the Sahara.
Page 36. Newspaper cutting from “The Sunday Express” dated February 1935, ‘Sahara Adventures by Dudley Noble.
Page 37. Newspaper cutting ‘Continuing Sahara Adventure, The Strangest tribe of the Desert.’
Page 38. Letter from the advertising department “The Evening News” dated February 1935 to Dudley Noble offering congratulations and thanks.
Page 39. Letter from Rootes Ltd. dated March 1935 to Dudley Noble in connection with testing and launching of the De Normanville gear box.
Page 40. Magazine cuttings from “Imperial Review,” “Sporting & Dramatic News” and “Illustrated News” dated February 1935, showing testing of the new de Normanville epicyclical gear.
Page 41. Magazine cuttings from “The Field” and “Tatler” dated February and March 1935, ‘Travel by land sea and air’.
Page 42. Newspaper cutting from “Sketch” dated March 1935, ‘Motor Dicta’ by H.E. Symons reference the gear box invented by Captain E. de Normanville.
Loose item: Full page newspaper cutting from “Sunday Pictorial” dated June 1937 ‘Ten Capitals in ten days.’ A lightning motor-tour of Europe in which ten capitals were visited in ten days has been completed by Mr. Dudley Noble.
Page 43. Newspaper cuttings from “Light Cars” dated March 1935 regarding the de Normanville gearbox and photographing the Sahara expedition using 16 mm colour film.
Page 44. Various newspaper cuttings from “Sketch,” “World’s Press News” and “Indian & Eastern Motors” dated March 1935 promoting the new Humber gearbox.
Page 45. Newspaper cuttings from “Indian & Eastern Motors” and “Autocar dated April 1935 reference the Humber trip in the Sahara.
Page 46 & 47. Magazine article from “Motor Commerce” dated April 1935, ‘How Humber put across motoring sixth sense’ The story behind the launching of the de Normanville gear.
Page 48. Letter from the Sales Manager of The Hillman Motor Car Co. Ltd. to Mr. Noble dated April 1935 reference the advertising arrangements concerning the De Normanville Gear Box.
Page 49. A full colour front page of “The Motor” dated March 19th, 1935 featuring a picture of the Hillman Minx Foursome drop-head coupé family saloon.
Page 50. Three newspaper cuttings photographs from “News Chronicle” and “Illustrated London News” from April 1935 depicting the Humber Snipe 80 and the Hillman Aero Minx Cresta Saloon.
Page 51.Letter from Percy W. Johnson, of Rootes to Mr. Dudley Noble with thanks for the help and co-operation during the Humber-Hillman Show Week, dated May 1935.
Page 52. Newspaper cutting from “World’s Press News” dated May 1935 titled ‘Agency bunk about motor-car advertising.
Page 53. Newspaper cutting from “The Motorist” dated June 1935, titled ‘From Sahara Desert to Blackpool Sands. This features the Lancashire Automobile Club annul rally attended by 150 members and friends. Cutting from the “Motor Commerce” dated July 1935 testing of the new self-changing gear box.
Page 54. A range of newspaper cuttings from “Motor Trader,” “Light Car,” “World’s Press News” and “Autocar” dated July and August 1935 reference publicity for the Hilman Humber range of cars.
Page 55. Letter from Sir Charles Higham, Advertising, London to Mr. Dudley Noble, of the Hillman Motor Car Co. dated August 1935, in praise for the publicity arrangements at the recent event.
Page 56. Newspaper cuttings from “Bystander,” “Motor Trader” and “Motor Commerce” dated September and November 1935 advertising the new 1936 Hillman Minx.
Page 57. Newspaper cutting from “Worlds Press News” dated September 1935, titled the ‘efficient, impartial organs serve the motor industry’.
Page 58. Letter from Mr. R. Paul of Temple Press Ltd., to Mr. D.H. Noble dated September 1935, thanking him for the excellent article he has written for the “World’s Press News”.
Page 59. Newspaper cuttings from “Autocar” and “Motor Trader” highlighting various advertising campaigns.
Page 60. Newspaper cutting from “Motor Trader” dated November 1935, shows radio stars Elsie and Doris Waters at the opening ceremony of Wolverhampton Motor Services annul display of Humber, Hillman, and Riley cars.
Page 61 and 62. A two page magazine cutting from “Indian and Eastern Motors” dated November 1935, Dudley Noble describes the work involved in preparation for the motor show at Olympia.
Loose sheet: A poster printed in green and blue advertising the Halton Society lecture on through Africa with car and cine-camera by Mr. D.H. Noble on November 23rd 1936.
Page 63. A selection of newspaper cuttings advertising Mr. Dudley Noble’s talk and lectures at the end of 1933 and beginning of 1936.
Page 64. Two photographs taken from the “Sketch” and “Everywomans” feature illustrations of the new Hillman Minx for 1936, a car particularly suited to the woman owner.
Page 65. A newspaper cutting from “The Motor Trader” dated January 1936, titled ‘Ten thousand cars in a hundred days. Hillman celebrate Minx production record’ by C.E. Thomas.
Page 66. Newspaper cuttings from the “Motor Trader” dated February 1936, describes the opening of Pickford and Co., Ltd. of Sheffield for the Hillman, and Humber dealership.
Page 67. Newspaper cuttings from the “Sketch,” “Motor Trader” and “Tatler” dated February and March 1936 illustrate the new six-cylinder Humbers and the Hillman 80.
Page 68. In the supplement to “The Motor” dated March 1936, Mr. Dudley Noble states that how important it is to advertise in the motor papers.
Page 69. Newspaper cutting from “The Autocar” dated March 1936, shows Mr. D.H. Noble standing alongside his Humber Eighteen. A newspaper cutting from the “Sketch” dated April 1936, is a caricature by Fred May of the six big men who control the motor industry.
Page 70. A newspaper cutting from “The Motor” dated April 1936 tells of an extraordinary coincidence of a 1905 accident repeated in 1936, on a dangerous North Country Corner.
Page 71. Newspaper cutting from “Good Housekeeping” dated April 1936 where Margot Macarthy describes a stylish economy car, the only light car on the market with synchromesh on all four forward gears, the Hillman Minx Magnificent.
Page 72. A letter from W. Rootes from on board the S.S. Aeneus at sea, dated March 1936, to Mr. Dudley Noble reference publicity for Autocheques running a rally in France arranged by the Wine and Food Society.
Page 73. Newspaper cuttings from “Sporting and Dramatic News,” “Motor Trader” and “Motor Commerce” dated May 1936 illustrating the Hillman Hawk, craftmanship and a new showroom in Eastbourne.
Page 74. A monochrome copy of the front page of “The Autocar” dated May 1936.
Page 75. A selection of newspaper cuttings advising that Mr. Dudley Noble has had an operation for appendicitis, dated July 1936.
Page 76. A dramatic photograph from “The Motor” dated June 1936, shows two Hillmans navigating a trip across the Cheviot Hills.
Page 77and 78. A two page magazine coverage from “The Motor” dated June 1936 titled ‘ Britain’s roadless wilderness conquered. An adventurous trip into the Cheviots where a car has never been seen before by John Albury.
Page 79. A full page illustration taken from “National Motorist” dated June 1936, is an advertisement for the new Humber Eighteen Six-cylinder model for 1936.
Page 80. A newspaper cutting from “The Light Car” dated June 1936, explaining the advantages of the Evenkeel suspension.
Page 81.A selection of cuttings from motoring magazines dated July 1936, inform us that Mr. Dudley Noble has returned to work after recovery from his appendicitis operation.
Page 82. A newspaper cutting from the “Sunday Express” dated October 1936, highlights the opening of the Olympia Motor Show. ‘How a new car is Born ‘ by Dudley Noble.
Page 83. This page consists of four newspaper cuttings on various topics such as the popularity of British cars, the death of Major Harold Pemberton and the growth in the export trade, dated January 1937. Two letters to Mr. Noble praising him on the first issue of the “Export Gazette
Page 84. A newspaper cutting from “Daily Herald” dated December 1936, titled ‘Grand Tour, Modern version’ by T. H. Wisdom. Driving in France, Italy and Switzerland.
Page 85. A newspaper cutting from “Daily Herald” dated December 1936, titled ‘Grand Tour, Modern version (2) by T. H. Wisdom.
Page 86. A newspaper cutting from “Daily Herald” dated December 1936, titled ‘Finish of the Grand Tour’ by T. H. Wisdom.
Page 87 & 88. A two page magazine cutting from “The Autocar” dated December 1936, advising that Continental touring is more economical for the British motorist.
Page 89. . A two page magazine cutting from “The Motor” dated January 1937, ‘Continental Motoring Costs. Appreciable reduction revealed by a trip to France, Italy and Switzerland.’
Page 90. Newspaper cutting from “Evening Standard” dated March 1937, ‘Through snowstorms on R.A.C. 1000 miles rally.
Page 91. Blank
Page 92. A full page newspaper cutting from “Sunday Pictorial” dated June 1937, titled ‘Ten capitals in ten days’.
Page 93. Newspaper cutting from “Light Car” dated July 1937, advertising the new Hillman Minx with the distinctive frontal design.
Page 94. Cutting from Istanbul newspaper dated September 1937.
Page 95. Two Consulate passes for travel in Bulgaria and Turkey, dated 1937.
Page 96. Newspaper cutting from “Daily Mail” dated September 1937, ‘Car races the Orient Express 800 miles’. Written by W. A. McKenzie, motoring correspondent.
Page 97. Photographs taken from magazines “Sporting and Dramatic,” “Sketch” and “Illustrated London News” dated October 1937, picture the Humber Snipe in Istanbul.
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- Identifier:
- MS/0456/3
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- Open Access
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