Proceedings of National Physical Labroatory Synosium 'Mechanisation of Thought Processes' Volume 1

A book containing proceedings of a symposium held at the National Physical Laboratory on 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th November 1958. It includes the following papers divided into sections:


General Principals

1. Some methods of artificial intelligence and heuristic programming, Dr M.L. Minsky

2. Operational aspects of intellect, Dr D.M. Mackay

3. Programs with common sense, Dr J. McCarthy

4. The mechanism of habituation, Dr W Ross Ashby

5. Conditional probability computing in a nervous system, Dr A.M. Uttley

Automatic Programming

1. Automatic programming: present status and future trends, Dr Grace Hopper

2. Some technical features of the Manchester Mercury autocode programme, Mr R.A. Brooker

3. Automatic programming: properties and performance of FORTRAN systems I and II, Mr J. Backus

4. The work of the Computing Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in the field of automatic programming, Dr A.P. Ershov

5. Tigris and Euphrates - A comparison between human and machine translation, Mr R.H. Richens

6. Pronoun reference in German, Mr L. Brandwood

7. Automatic translation in the USSR, Dr A.P. Ershov

Speech Recognition

1. Sensory mechanisms and sensation, Dr I.C. Whitfield

2. An analogue of the speech recognition process, Prof D.B. Fry and Mr P. Denes

3. The perception of speech, Mr P. Ladefoged

4. Two theorems of statistical separability in the Perceptron, Dr F. Rosenblatt

5. Learning machines, Dr A.M. Andrew

6. Pandemonium: A paradigm for learning, Dr O.G. Selfridge


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