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List of Southern Railway 35mm transparencies
Southern Railway rolling stock images used for talks
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Hugh C Hughes Archive
Hughes, Hugh
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Hugh C Hughes Archive
HCH/1 Essays and handwritten notes
HCH/1/1 Folders titled 'UK [United Kingdom] list'; 'Articles'; 'Indian Lists'; 'NG [narrow gauge] Book'; 'JDZ [Yugoslav Railways]; 'DR [Deutsche Reichsbahn?]'; 'Austria' and 'Porter 892-2999' containing articles, charts and notes on various railways
HCH/1/2 Envelope titled 'MG' [metre gauge] containing various articles, newspaper articles, adverts, drawings, magazine pictures on various topics including 'The Pakistan Experience'; 'Bengal and North Western Railway'; 'Palace on Wheels'; 'The Braganza Ghat' by H C Hughes and P J Bawcutt; 'Opening plugs a gap network'; 'Assam Rail Link Construction'
HCH/1/3 Envelope titled 'The Industrial Locomotive, RT&P [Railway Travel & Photography], SLS [Stephenson Locomotive Society], RO [Railway Observer]' containing articles by H C Hughes, Frank Jones, Frank Jux and J E Baker on various railways
HCH/1/4 Folder titled 'Tour Notes' containing various articles on India, Pakistan and tour arrangements
HCH/1/5 Bundle of typescripts written by H C Hughes titled 'Steam in India'; 'Steam Locomotives for India'; 'The Indian Scene'; 'Dude & Rohilkund Railway - Construction Locomotives'; 'The First Locomotive in India' and 'Early Locomotives of the East Indian Railway'
HCH/1/6 File titled 'Indian Locomotive 1941-1990' containing notes
HCH/1/7 Folder titled 'Barsi' containing handwritten notes and articles relating to Everard Richard Calthrop, engineer of the Barsi Light Railway Company, India
HCH/1/8 Folder titled 'EIR [East Indian Railway] steamboats' containing 4 clippings of an engine and steamboat; handwritten notes on Calcutta- Howrah steamboats
HCH/1/9 Folders containing reports titled 'The Railways of Iran' by H C Hughes and 'The Iranian State Railway' by L Desrosiers Chandler
HCH/1/10 Volume titled 'Railways of the Middle East' with a paper written by Hugh Hughes for the Railway Club
HCH/1/11 Notebook titled 'The Railways of Persia' containing handwritten notes taken from the Railway Gazette and other publications
HCH/1/12 Handwritten notes containing some translations probably from Persian
HCH/1/13 Notebook titled 'Transiranian Railway' containing handwritten notes and extracts taken from newspapers
HCH/1/14 Envelope titled 'S/Electric Notes' containing handwritten notes and booklets titled 'British Railways Southern Region Appendicies to Carriage Working Notices Electric Trains' dated 1945, 1946, 1949, 1955, 1956 and 1958
HCH/1/15 File containing an article by H C Hughes titled 'SE and CR [South Eastern & Chatham Railway] Carriages' given at the Railway Club on 8 September 1967 and two files contianing various handwritten notes on Southern and constituents rolling stock
HCH/1/16 Bundle of handwritten notes, photos, articles and typed notes on various topics: 'The Changing Face of East Croydon', 'The Pre-War Evolution of Southern Electric Carriages'; 3 typed essays written by H C Hughes ' 'Eastern Section Excursion Set 1935'; 'SER [South Eastern Railway] Carriages 1863-1878' and 'The 4 Sub Story ' 10230ETC'
HCH/1/17 Binder containing a paper titled 'Southern Electric' by H C Hughes
HCH/1/18 Envelope titled 'Southern Electric Rolling Stock' containing a typescript written by H C Hughes
HCH/1/19 Envelope titled 'Stokes Bay Railway' containing a typescript written by H C Hughes
HCH/1/20 Files titled '6', 'S/Electric [Southern Electric]' and 'SECR [South Eastern & Chatham Railway]' containing handwritten notes and a typed essay by H C Hughes on Southern Railway electric rolling stock
HCH/1/21 File titled 'Misc' containing handwritten notes on various railways throughout the world
HCH/2 Notebooks and exercise books
HCH/2/1 File titled 'MG [metre gauge]' containing information on Indian railways and their retrospective locomotives, and diagrams of railway lines in India
HCH/2/2 File titled 'IR [Indian railways]' containing reports on Indian railways and technical notes
HCH/2/3 File titled 'BG [broad gauge] IR [Indian railways] CGR [Ceylon Government Railways] Burma' containing a list with detailed analysis of Indian Railway in relation to re-numbering of locomotives
HCH/2/4 File titled 'BG [broad gauge]' containing details of various Indian Railway locomotives
HCH/2/5 File titled 'EIR [East Indian Railway]' containing typed sheets, 'Correspondence between Stephenson and Bengal Government 1844'
HCH/2/6 File titled 'I1' containing typed notes entitled 'Locomotives for India'
HCH/2/7 File titled 'I2 A-C' containing handwritten notes on Indian Railway reports recorded in alphabetical order of area of geographical area from A to C
HCH/2/8 File titled 'I3 DI' containing handwritten notes on Indian Railway reports recorded in alphabetical order of geographical area from D to I
HCH/2/9 File titled 'I4 J-N' containing handwritten notes on Indian Railway report recorded in alphabetical order of geographical area from J to N
HCH/2/10 File titled 'I5 O-Z' containing handwritten notes on Indian Railway reports recorded in alphabetical order of geographical area from O to Z
HCH/2/11 Volume titled 'India 1' containing listings of 'India and Pakistan - broad gauge steam locomotives'
HCH/2/12 Volume titled 'India 2' listing Indian and Pakistan Narrow and Metre Gauge Steam Locomotives
HCH/2/13 File containing charts and diagrams relating to Indian Railway electric and diesel locomotives
HCH/2/14 Volume containing handwritten lists of articles contained within the Railway Gazette relating to Indian railways and others
HCH/2/15 File titled 'MEF [Middle East Forces?] Lists' containing detailed accounts of Middle Eastern Railways, including maps, route details and analyse of locomotives on certain lines
HCH/2/16 Folder containing typed sheets on Middle Eastern history and its Railways
HCH/2/17 File titled 'PAIC [Persia And Iraq Command]' containing notes on the history of Middle Eastern Railways during the First and Second World Wars taken from a variety of sources including Public Records Office documents, locomotive magazines and newspapers, reports and handbooks
HCH/2/18 Notebook containing handwritten notes taken from GHQ Paiforce [Persia and Iraq Command] publications and War Office Weekly Intelligence Review
HCH/2/19 Notebook titled 'Iranian State Railways Annual Report 1320' contains an outline of the Persian calendar months and conversion between Iranian and Gregorian calendars
HCH/2/20 Notebook containing notes on Victorian Government Railways, Australia
HCH/2/21 Volume titled 'SE 1' containing lists named 'South Eastern and Chatham Railway Carriage Register'
HCH/2/22 Volume titled 'SE 2' containing 'South Eastern and Chatham Railway Van Register'
HCH/2/23 Volume titled 'SR I' containing 'Southern Railway Carriage Register'
HCH/2/24 Folder titled 'E E [English Electric]' containing English Electric Company Ltd. works list and GEC Traction Ltd. works list
HCH/2/25 Notebooks on a various European railways titled 'Denmark, Holland, Belgium'; 'Finland'; 'Austria'; 'Austria Old'; 'Austria'; 'CPR' Canadian Pacific Railway]; 'GSR' [Great Southern Railways, Ireland?]; 'DR [Deutshce Reichsbahn] Standard Locos'; 'Irish (N) [Northern]'; 'Old SAX [Saxony] WURTT [Wurttemburg] ETC; Breslau'; 'Germany early lists'; 'KPEV [Kaiserliche Preussicher Eisenbahn Verein], BLN [K P Berlin], BRO [K P Bromberg], ERF [K P Erfurt], FFT [K P Frankfurt], ALT [Altona], MDG [Madgeburg], STN [Stettin]'; 'Germany'; 'LSWR' [London & South Western Railway]; 'Germany OS [Ober Schlesische Eisenbahn], KO [Konglich Pruessiche Ostbahn], HAN KPEV Hannover Division], BAV [Bavarian State Railways], COLN [KPEV Coln], ESS [Essen], ELB [Elbefeld], CAS [Cassel], BAD [Baden State Railways]', and 'Italy'
HCH/2/26 Folders titled 'Swedish State Narrow Gauge'; 'Swedish Private Railways-I'; 'Swedish Private Railways-II'; 'Swedish Private Railways-III'; 'Swedish Private Railways-IV'; 'Swedish State Standard Gauge Steam Locomotives' and 'Danish Industrial Locomotives'
HCH/2/27 File containing handwritten notes on the railways of Austria, France and Belgium
HCH/2/28 File containing handwritten notes on English locomotive works
HCH/2/29 File titled 'NR [Nigerian Railway] SR [Sudan Railway]' containing figures and notes on Nigerian Railway and Suakin-Berber Railway, contains photocopies pictures of Sudan Railway
HCH/2/30 File titled 'Malaya, Thailand, Subah' containing figures and notes on the Malayan, Thailand and Subah Railway
HCH/2/31 File titled 'NG [narrow gauge] CGR [Canadian Government Railways] makers' containing handwritten notes on Canadian Pacific Railway and NG [narrow gauge] locomotive makers
HCH/2/32 File containing notes on locomotive works around the world
HCH/2/33 File containing notes on railways throughout the world
HCH/3 Newspaper and journal article clippings
HCH/3/1 Folder titled 'Burma' containing articles from the Railway Gazette on Burma Railways
HCH/3/2 Folder titled 'BG [broad gauge]-ELECTRIC' containing articles from Railway Gazette International; Rail Business Report; International Railway Journal; Railway Gazette on Indian electirfication and electric locomotive upgrades
HCH/3/3 Envelope titled 'NG [narrow gauge]' containing articles, newspaper clippings, drawings on Indian light or narrow gauges; articles from Railway Magazine, Continental Modeller, Railway World Year Book titled Model Engineer, Railway Scene, Railway World, Narrow Gauge International, Railway Pictorial and the Railway Gazette etc.
HCH/3/4 Bundle of articles and handwritten notes on various railways mostly Indian railways, articles include: 'The Jewel in the Crown' from Backtrack Vol 10 No 9 September 1996; 'IR [Indian Railways] Keeps Moving the Crowds' from Developing Metros 1991; 'Viceroy Special' from The Railway Magazine January 1988; map of the Great indian Penisular Raliway [GIPR] correspondence from Beyer Peacock and Company Ltd to H C Hughes 9th June 1954 and correspondence from Vulcan Foundary Ltd to H C Hughes 9th June 1954
HCH/3/5 Folder titled 'ABR [Assam & Bengal Railway]' containing articles on the Assam-Bengal Railway; articles on North British Locomotive Co and Beyer Peacock locomotives as well as typed notes on 'A Sleepy Tea and Jute Railway' by W H Prendergast
HCH/3/6 Bundle consisting of various articles and adverts mainly on India including articles from the Locomotive Magazine various dates 1903-1950s
HCH/3/7 Envelope titled 'NG [narrow gauge] Cuttings Also NGT [Narrow Gauge Times]' containing various articles, pictures and engines from various railways India and around the world mostly on narrow gauge railways
HCH/3/8 Envelope titled 'IRR [Industrial Railway Record]' containing articles on various railways and manufacturers, including India and Middle East
HCH/3/9 Envelope titled 'RM [Railway Magazine]' containing various articles from various publications including on the topic of Indian railways
HCH/3/10 Folder titled 'BG [broad gauge] Diesel' containing various articles on Indian railways from Continental Modeller, Railway Gazette International, Diesel Railway Traction etc.
HCH/3/11 Folder containing a loose pile of articles on India inlcuding 'Technology Transfer to India: The Case of the Integral Coach Factory', 'Cashing in on Cultural Heritage' and 'India's Unigauge Project well ahead' etc.
HCH/3/12 Medium sized envelope titled 'Transport in Calcutta T V Runnacles (Modern Tramway 1977-78)' containing a mulit-part article titled 'Transport in Calcutta'
HCH/3/13 Envelope titled 'Misc (Inil ME) [International Middle East?]' containing small article clippings based on various topics such as boilers, new acquisitions of engines and obituaries regarding India, Nepal and Burma
HCH/3/14 Folders titled 'Israel', 'Iran', 'MEF [Middle East Forces]', 'Syria', 'Sudan', 'Egypt', 'Iraq', and 'Arabia' containing notes, articles, photographs, tickets etc.
HCH/3/15 Papers regarding Australian Railway/Australian Railway construction in the Middle East
HCH/3/16 Envelope titled 'Articles by E A S Cotton' containing magazine articles about Pakistan Railways
HCH/3/17 Envelope titled 'CRJ [Continental Railway Journal]' containing articles on railways in Burma, Poland, Asia, India, Turkey, Africa etc.
HCH/4 Photographic albums, negatives, prints and transparencies
HCH/4/1 Photographic albums
HCH/4/1/1 File titled 'MG1 [metre gauge]' containing index and photographs of various Indian railway locomotives
HCH/4/1/2 File titled 'MG2 [metre gauge]' containing photographs of Indian railways locomotives
HCH/4/1/3 File titled 'MG3 [metre gauge]' containing photographs of Indian railway locomotives
HCH/4/1/4 File titled 'MG4 [metre gauge]' containing photographs of various Indian railway locomotives
HCH/4/1/5 File titled 'MG5 [metre gauge]' containing photographs of Indian railway locomotives
HCH/4/1/6 File titled 'NG1 [narrow gauge]' containing index and photographs of Indian railway locomotives
HCH/4/1/7 File titled 'NG2 [narrow gauge]' containing photographs of various Indian railway locomotives
HCH/4/2 Photographic negatives
HCH/4/2/1 Black & white 35mm negative strips of images depicting locomotives of the IPC [Iraq Petroleum Company], HR [Hijaz Railway], PR [Palestine Railways], Rey [Tehran-Rey Railway], IrSR [Iraqi State Railways], BNR [Bengal Nagpur Railway], EIR [East Indian Railway], NWR [North Western Railway], ORR [Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway], GIPR [Great Indian Penisular Railway], PSMT [Patiala State Monorail Trainways] and SIR [South Indian Railway]
HCH/4/2/2 Colour 35mm negative strips of images depicting Brown's Bay, Norfolk Island, Sydney, Perth, London, Vancouver and Cairns
HCH/4/3 Southern Railway rolling stock images used for talks
HCH/4/3/1 Southern Railway mounted photographic prints
HCH/4/3/2 Southern Railway 35mm transparencies
HCH/4/3/2/1 Transparency titled 'Southern Electric poster'
HCH/4/3/2/2 Transparency titled 'Waterloo & City old layout,Waterloo (centre third rail)'
HCH/4/3/2/3 Transparency titled 'Waterloo & City replacement of stock, 1940'
HCH/4/3/2/4 Transparency titled 'Waterloo & City motor coach, Lancing, 1950, own power (25 mph)'
HCH/4/3/2/5 Transparency titled 'Waterloo & City trailer, Lancing, 1950'
HCH/4/3/2/6 Transparency titled 'Elevated electric t/t [timetable]'
HCH/4/3/2/7 Transparency titled 'South London 3 car set as [illegible] '
HCH/4/3/2/8 Transparency titled 'South London motor coach'
HCH/4/3/2/9 Transparency titled 'South London Wandsworth Rd. c. 1910'
HCH/4/3/2/10 Transparency titled 'South London 2-coach, SL code'
HCH/4/3/2/11 Transparency titled 'South London 2-coach, SL code'
HCH/4/3/2/12 Transparency titled '2-car set at Mitcham'
HCH/4/3/2/13 Transparency titled 'SL firsts'
HCH/4/3/2/14 Transparency titled 'CP [Crystal Palace] stock 6-car as [illegible]'
HCH/4/3/2/15 Transparency titled 'CP [Crystal Palace] stock motor coach '
HCH/4/3/2/16 Transparency titled 'CP [Crystal Palace] stock Victoria, central motor'
HCH/4/3/2/17 Transparency titled 'CP [Crystal Palace] stock Victoria, end motor'
HCH/4/3/2/18 Transparency titled 'CP [Crystal Palace] stock special train'
HCH/4/3/2/19 Transparency titled 'CP [Crystal Palace] stock Wandsworth Common, 1928'
HCH/4/3/2/20 Transparency titled 'CW stock motor van'
HCH/4/3/2/21 Transparency titled 'CW stock third trailer'
HCH/4/3/2/22 Transparency titled 'CW stock Victoria '
HCH/4/3/2/23 Transparency titled 'Cpo [composite-type] brake 6941'
HCH/4/3/2/24 Transparency titled 'CW stock motor van'
HCH/4/3/2/25 Transparency titled 'CW stock Coulsdon, 1927 (10 coach)'
HCH/4/3/2/26 Transparency titled 'Victoria 1929'
HCH/4/3/2/27 Transparency titled 'Diagram London & South Western Railway [LSWR] conversions'
HCH/4/3/2/28 Transparency titled 'Diagram London & South Western Railway [LSWR] type A'
HCH/4/3/2/29 Transparency titled 'Diagram London & South Western Railway [LSWR] type B'
HCH/4/3/2/30 Transparency titled 'Diagram London & South Western Railway [LSWR] type C'
HCH/4/3/2/31 Transparency titled 'Diagram London & South Western Railway [LSWR] type D'
HCH/4/3/2/32 Transparency titled 'Diagram London & South Western Railway [LSWR] saloons'
HCH/4/3/2/33 Transparency titled 'London & South Western Railway [LSWR] 6- coach train'
HCH/4/3/2/34 Transparency titled '42288 x 1230 retaining lourve vents & panelling'
HCH/4/3/2/35 Transparency titled '4142 x 1272 plain panelling for added cpt [compartment]'
HCH/4/3/2/36 Transparency titled '4223 x 1226 plain panelling throught (Gatwick pagent special)'
HCH/4/3/2/37 Transparency titled 'London & South Western Railway [LSWR] third trailer (ex tricpo [composite-type])'
HCH/4/3/2/38 Transparency titled 'London & South Western Railway [LSWR] third trailer 8948'
HCH/4/3/2/39 Transparency titled 'London & South Western Railway [LSWR] 4345 (x 8915) at Lancing'
HCH/4/3/2/40 Transparency titled 'Southern Railway [SR] renumbering'
HCH/4/3/2/41 Transparency titled 'W [Western] Section steel panelled motor 1925'
HCH/4/3/2/42 Transparency titled 'W [Western] Section steel panelled motor 1925'
HCH/4/3/2/43 Transparency titled 'E [Eastern] Section steel panelled motor 1925'
HCH/4/3/2/44 Transparency titled 'E [Eastern] Section steel panelled trailer 1925'
HCH/4/3/2/45 Transparency titled 'South Eastern Railway [SER] 4 wh c/c third'
HCH/4/3/2/46 Transparency titled 'South Eastern Railway [SER] 6 wh c/c third, 1891'
HCH/4/3/2/47 Transparency titled 'South Eastern & Chatham Railway [SECR] 4 wh c/c train (Beckenham station - Shortlands)'
HCH/4/3/2/48 Transparency titled 'Diagram E [Eastern] section motors '
HCH/4/3/2/49 Transparency titled 'Diagram E [Eastern] section trailers'
HCH/4/3/2/50 Transparency titled 'Diagram E [Eastern] section trailers'
HCH/4/3/2/51 Transparency titled 'South Eastern & Chatham Railway [SECR] motor (x 1 1/2 both thirds)'
HCH/4/3/2/52 Transparency titled 'South Eastern & Chatham Railway [SECR] motor 8477 (2 x 6 type)'
HCH/4/3/2/53 Transparency titled 'South Eastern & Chatham Railway [SECR] Cpo [composite-type] [illegible] (x 2 Cpo [composite-type]s)'
HCH/4/3/2/54 Transparency titled 'South Eastern & Chatham Railway [SECR] Cpo [composite-type] [illegible] (x first & second)'
HCH/4/3/2/55 Transparency titled 'South Eastern & Chatham Railway [SECR] Cpo [composite-type] [illegible] (x 2 seconds) (note temp. firsts)'
HCH/4/3/2/56 Transparency titled 'South Eastern & Chatham Railway [SECR] third [illegible]'
HCH/4/3/2/57 Transparency titled 'London Brighton & South Coast Railway [LBSCR] Cpo [composite-type] motor (x steam) (1710)'
HCH/4/3/2/58 Transparency titled 'London Brighton & South Coast Railway [LBSCR] Cpo [composite-type] motor (x steam) (1711)'
HCH/4/3/2/59 Transparency titled 'London Brighton & South Coast Railway [LBSCR] third [illegible] (x steam) '
HCH/4/3/2/60 Transparency titled 'London Brighton & South Coast Railway [LBSCR] third [illegible] (x cp motor) '
HCH/4/3/2/61 Transparency titled 'London Brighton & South Coast Railway [LBSCR] Cpo [composite-type] motor (x CW Cpo [composite-type]) (1733)'
HCH/4/3/2/62 Transparency titled 'London Brighton & South Coast Railway [LBSCR] third motor (x CW third) (1733)'
HCH/4/3/2/63 Transparency titled 'London Brighton & South Coast Railway [LBSCR] third motor (x SL Cpo [composite-type] third) (1738)'
HCH/4/3/2/64 Transparency titled 'London and South Western Railway [LSWR] 6w second and third'
HCH/4/3/2/65 Transparency titled 'London and South Western Railway [LSWR] Cpo [composite-type] motor (x 8w Cpo [composite-type]) (1698)'
HCH/4/3/2/66 Transparency titled 'London and South Western Railway [LSWR] [illegible] motor (x 8w first) (1585) 1935'
HCH/4/3/2/67 Transparency titled 'London and South Western Railway [LSWR] 8cpt [compartment] third - similar to those conv. electic'
HCH/4/3/2/68 Transparency titled 'London and South Western Railway [LSWR] 7 1/2 cpt [compartment] third motor (x 8w first) (1596) 1935'
HCH/4/3/2/69 Transparency titled 'London and South Western Railway [LSWR] 10 cpt [compartment] [illegible] (x 8w first) (1068) 1937'
HCH/4/3/2/70 Transparency titled 'Brighton electric 1d t/t [timetable]'
HCH/4/3/2/71 Transparency titled 'Met Camm [Metro-Cammell] motor'
HCH/4/3/2/72 Transparency titled '6-PUL 2016'
HCH/4/3/2/73 Transparency titled '5-BEL 2051'
HCH/4/3/2/74 Transparency titled '6-PAN 2036'
HCH/4/3/2/75 Transparency titled '4 LAV, 1934 (betw. Guildford & Waterloo)'
HCH/4/3/2/76 Transparency titled '6-PAN 2036'
HCH/4/3/2/77 Transparency titled '2 NOL 1850'
HCH/4/3/2/78 Transparency titled '2 NOL used as trailer set'
HCH/4/3/2/79 Transparency titled '2 NOL with addnl. [additional] luggage space (7cpt [compartment])'
HCH/4/3/2/80 Transparency titled '4 COR motor, (1937)'
HCH/4/3/2/81 Transparency titled '4 RES + 4 COR'
HCH/4/3/2/82 Transparency titled '6PUL, 3002 (1938)'
HCH/4/3/2/83 Transparency titled '5-car 3002 (wartime)'
HCH/4/3/2/84 Transparency titled '2 HAL (wartime)'
HCH/4/3/2/85 Transparency titled 'Bomb damage Charing Cross'
HCH/4/3/2/86 Transparency titled 'Bomb damage Selhurst'
HCH/4/3/2/87 Transparency titled 'Bomb damage Selhurst'
HCH/4/3/2/88 Transparency titled '4 SUB 4111 scoop vents'
HCH/4/3/2/89 Transparency titled '4 SUB 4289 window-type vents. Lt/wt [lightweight] motors'
HCH/4/3/2/90 Transparency titled '4 SUB 4168 bullet nose'
HCH/4/3/2/91 Transparency titled '4 SUB 4306 x 1291 steel panel + steel [illegible]'
HCH/4/3/2/92 Transparency titled '4 SUB 4244 x 1693 + LSW [London & South Western] [illegible]'
HCH/4/3/2/93 Transparency titled '4 SUB 4479 x 1469 + steel [illegible]'
HCH/4/3/2/94 Transparency titled '3 SUB 1705 (LBSC) [London Brighton & South caost] [illegible] (number M/C)'
HCH/4/3/2/95 Transparency titled '4 SUB with anti-glare panel'
HCH/4/3/2/96 Transparency titled '4 SUB 4355 British Rlys [British Railways], r/blind [rebulid]'
HCH/4/3/2/97 Transparency titled 'S [South] Croydon accident, 20/10/47'
HCH/4/3/2/98 Transparency titled 'W [West] Croydon accident, 4/10/48'
HCH/4/3/2/99 Transparency titled 'D/decker [double-decker] interior'
HCH/4/3/2/100 Transparency titled 'D/decker [double-decker] on trials'
HCH/4/3/3 List of Southern Railway 35mm transparencies
HCH/5 Reports, statistical and technical documents
HCH/5/1 Folder containing volume titled 'Report to the Secretary of State for India in Council on Railways in India for the Year 1872-73 by Judland Danvers Esq. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty' with accompanying map of East Indian Railway Company
HCH/5/2 Folder containing volume titled 'Report on the Administration and Working of Indian railways by Thomas Robertson LVO. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty' issued by East Indian Railways
HCH/5/3 Volume titled 'Railway in India. Administration Report for the Year 1917-18. Vol. 1 (Report)' issued by the Railway Department (Railway Board), Government of India
HCH/5/4 Volume titled 'Report of the Locomotive Committee on Standard Locomotive for Indian railways' issued by the Engineering Standards Committee
HCH/5/5 Book cover titled 'Locomotive and Carriage Superintendent's Committee Report on Standard Locomotives for Indian railways. As designed by the English Standards Committee of Great Britain'
HCH/5/6 Volumes titled 'Indian Railways Report and Accounts' dated 1972-73, 1973-74 and 1976-77
HCH/5/7 Volume titled 'Annual Reports and Accounts 1983-84' issued by Indian Railways
HCH/5/8 Volume titled 'Annual Report and Accounts 1984-85' issued by Indian railways
HCH/5/9 Volume titled 'Annual Report and Accounts 1985-86' issued by the Indian railways
HCH/5/10 Volume titled 'Annual Report and Accounts 1986-87' issued by the Indian railways
HCH/5/11 Volume titled 'Indian Railways. Annual Report and Accounts 1992-93' issued by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Government of India
HCH/5/12 Volume titled 'Indian Railways. Annual Report and Accounts 1993-94' issued by Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Government of India
HCH/5/13 Volume titled 'Annual Reports and Accounts 1995-96' issued by Indian railways
HCH/5/14 Volume titled 'Indian railways. Annual. April 1986' issued by the Ministry of Transport (Railways Board), New Delhi
HCH/5/15 Volume titled 'Report by the Railway Board in Indian railways for 1960-61 Vol. II Statistics' issued by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Government of India
HCH/5/16 Folder titled 'Indian railways 1950-51 to 1973-74' containing 'Twenty-Four Year Summary' of Finances
HCH/5/17 Folder titled 'Indian railways 1956-81' containing a photocopy of 'Indian railways Quarter Century of Progress'
HCH/5/18 Volumes titled 'Report by the Railway Board on Indian railways' issued by the Ministry of Railways (Railways Board), Government of India' dated 1961-62, 1962-63, 1963-64, 1964-65, 1965-66, 1966-67, 1967-68 and 1971-72
HCH/5/19 Volume titled 'History of Indian railways. Constructed and in Progress. Corrected up to the 31st March 1951' issued by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Government of India
HCH/5/20 Volume titled 'History of Indian railways. Constructed and in Progress. Corrected up to the 31st March 1964' issued by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), Government of India
HCH/5/21 Folder containing 'A Memorandum on the Manufacture of Locomotive submitted to the Indian Tariff Commission' issued by Tata Locomotives and Engineering Company Ltd.
HCH/5/22 Volume titled 'Bengal and Assam Mechanical Department Mechanical Manual' issued by the Eastern Indian Railway Press
HCH/5/23 Folder titled 'Manual of Permanent Way' issued to Engineering Departments by the Bengal and North Western Railway Company Ltd.
HCH/5/24 Volume titled 'Proceedings dated Jan 1912 concerning Subjects No. 9 Standard Locomotives' issued by the Locomotive and Carriage Superintendent's Committee affiliated with the Indian Railway Conference Association'
HCH/5/25 Volume titled 'East Indian Railway Engineering Department General and Subsidiary Rules and Standing Orders' issued by East Indian Railway
HCH/5/26 Volume titled 'Great Indian Peninsula Railway Working Instructions' issued by Great Indian Peninsula Railway
HCH/5/27 Technical paper titled 'Steam verses Electric Locomotive for High Grade (an analysis of condition of the NW Railway) by T A F Store, Locomotive department, Indian railways; diagram comparing the loading gauges of U.S and U.K 4-8" inch gauge
HCH/5/28 Volume titled 'Great Indian Penisular Railway [GIPR] List of Engines with their Mileage to 31st December 1884' issued by the Locomotive Superintendent's Office, Parel
HCH/5/29 Volumes titled 'Pakistan Western Railways Year Book of Information ' dated 1967 and 1974 issued by Pakistan Railways
HCH/5/30 Volumes titled 'Iraqi State Railways Report on the Administration of the Railways' dated 1939, 1940, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1947, 1950 and 1951
HCH/5/31 Volume titled 'Annual Statistics Year 1320...' issued by the Iranian State Railway Company
HCH/5/32 Volume titled 'Annual Statistics Year 1321' issued by the Iranian State Railway Company containing handwritten notes on Fihrist Mandarijat
HCH/5/33 Volume titled 'Annual Statistics Year 1326 1327 1328' issued by the Iranian State Railway Company
HCH/5/34 Volume titled 'Statistical Yearbook. Arab Republic of Egypt' issued by Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics
HCH/5/35 Volume titled 'Report of the Special Commission appointed by the Secretary of States for the Colonies to Report on the Transport System of Ceylon' published by the Crown Agents for the Colonies
HCH/5/36 Volume titled 'Railways Yearbook 1994' issued by Autometers Ltd, Switzerland
HCH/5/37 Volume titled 'Southern Railway Instructions Applicable to the Electrified Lines' dated June 1925
HCH/5/38 Volume titled 'London and South Western Railway Instructions Applied to the Electrified Lines' September 1915
HCH/5/39 Volume titled 'Electrical Multiple Unit Stock Description and Operation of Electrical Equipment, September 1949 British Railway Southern Region'
HCH/6 Published material
HCH/6/1 Volume titled 'Indian railways' by Rai Sabels Chandrika Prasada Tiwari
HCH/6/2 Volume titled 'Electric Railways in India' by Shiv Narayan
HCH/6/3 Volume titled 'A Handbook to India, Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon. Twenty First Edition' edited by Professor L F Rushbrook Williams CBE
HCH/6/4 Volume titled 'Indian railways as connected with British Empire in the East' by Sir William P. Andrew
HCH/6/5 Volume titled 'The Railways of India' by Edward Davidson Capt. R E
HCH/6/6 Volume titled 'Railway Policy in India' by Horace Bell
HCH/6/7 Volume titled 'Indian railways and their probable results, with maps and an appendix by an old Indian Postmaster. Thrid Edition'
HCH/6/8 Volume titled 'A Short History of Darjeeling District and its Hill People' by B K Mukherjee and A V A Mercer
HCH/6/9 Volume titled 'Indian railways' by Nalinaksha Sanyal
HCH/6/10 Volume titled 'The Indian Railway Traveller's Guide No 296 September 1891 published by Bombay Gazette Steam Press'
HCH/6/11 Volume titled 'The Tourist's Guide to all the Principal Stations on the Railways of Northern India with Coloured Map. 5th edition'
HCH/6/12 Volume titled 'Illustrated Guide to the Nilgiris' issued by Higginbottom & Co.
HCH/6/13 Volume titled 'The Standardisation of Locomotives in India, 1910'. Excerpt minutes of proceedings of the meeting of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers' by Cyril Hitchcock IMECHE
HCH/6/14 Volume titled 'From the Hooghly to the Himalayas' issued by Eastern Bengal State Railway
HCH/6/15 Journal titled 'The Martin Burn House Magazine' Vol. XXVI No 4
HCH/6/16 Volume titled 'Indian Railways. Special Indian Numbers of the Railway Gazette' issued by the Railway Gazette
HCH/6/17 Volume titled 'Steimatzky's Guides. Syria and the Lebanon'
HCH/6/18 Booklet titled 'Marlborough's Self Taught Persian' by Sheykh Husan
HCH/6/19 Volume titled '190 in Persia: Some Notes on a War Time Railway Operation' by Michael Robbins
HCH/6/20 Booklet titled 'Egyptian (Arabic) Self Taught by the Natural Method with Phonetic Pronunciation' by Major R A Marriot
HCH/6/21 Booklet titled 'Services Guide to Cairo'
HCH/6/22 Volume titled 'L'Iran di Reza Scia Pahlavi' by Angelo Polacco
HCH/6/23 Volume titled 'Irish Industrial and Contractor's Locomotives 1962' published by Union Publications
HCH/6/24 Volume titled 'The Vulcan Locomotive Works'
HCH/6/25 Volumes regarding industrial locomotives in the United Kingdom and France
HCH/6/26 Volume titled 'Russian Locomotive Types' by J N Westwood
HCH/6/27 Volume titled 'Four-Figure Tables' by C Gohfrey and A W Siddens
HCH/6/28 Volume titled 'The Concise Metric Converter' compiled by E W Herbert
HCH/6/29 Volume titled 'Gowans's Nature Book No. 8, Our Trees and How to Know Them' written by Gowans and Grey Ltd.
HCH/7 Maps, drawings and ephemera
HCH/7/1 Map titled 'Broad Gauge 1940' showing plan of Indian Railway lines
HCH/7/2 Volume titled 'Contour Motoring Map of India Showing the Best Touring Roads' published by John Bartholomew and Sons
HCH/7/3 Maps titled 'Railway Map of India' depicting the Northern Railway, North Eastern Railway, Eastern Railway, South Eastern Railway, South Central Railway, Western Railway and Central Railway
HCH/7/4 Folder titled 'India New Lines' containing maps and tables on Indian railways
HCH/7/5 Map titled 'India, Pakistan and Ceylon, contour coloured world map series with boundaries, roads and railways' published by John Bartholomew and Sons
HCH/7/6 Map titled 'Map of India showing Railways (Open and under construction) on 31st March 1944'
HCH/7/7 Map titled 'Railway Map of India, railway information corrected up to 31st March 1960/67-mile Railway Map of India 1960 edition'
HCH/7/8 Map titled 'Railway Map of India, Railway Information Corrected up to the 31st March 1962/1:3,500,000 Railway Map of India First Edition'
HCH/7/9 Map titled 'Railway Map of India, Railway Information Corrected up to 31st March 1977/1:3,500,000 Railway Map of India Ninth Edition'
HCH/7/10 Map titled 'Map of Railway systems of India, Ceylon, Siam and Malaya from the Railway Gazette November 11 1929'
HCH/7/11 Untitled map of south east India depicting railway lines with key attached
HCH/7/12 Maps of India dated 1871, 1914 and 1974
HCH/7/13 Map titled '70-Mile Map of Pakistan and Surrounding Countries showing Railways Second Edition' in two parts depicting West Pakistan and East Pakistan
HCH/7/14 Map titled 'Guide Map of Iraq'
HCH/7/15 Maps titled 'Baghdad Map (City)' issued by the Summer Resorts and Tourism Service, 'Iraq Tourist Map' and 'Map of Pakistan and Surrounding Countries showing Railways'
HCH/7/16 Map depicting Suvla Bay, Anzac Cove and Cape Hellas in the Gallipoli peninsula, Turkey
HCH/7/17 Folder containing a photocopy of 'Diagrams of Locomotive Engines in use on Railways in India. Corrected up to 1st July 1891' compiled in the Technical Section, Office of Director General of Railway, Simla, India
HCH/7/18 Blueprints depicting the Indian Railway standard locomotives
HCH/7/19 Drawing of a locomotive titled 'Figure 1 E.I.R [East Indian Railway] inside cylinder 2-2-2 engines built by Tayleur & Co in 1853
HCH/7/20 Untitled drawing of a locomotive
HCH/7/21 Envelope titled 'Coromandel RLY' containing one picture of miniature locos titled 'Coromandel', chart labelled 'Coromandel Railway, route mileage, stations, altitude ruling gradients' and chart labelled 'Coromandel Railway'
HCH/7/22 Envelope titled 'S/Electric Diagrams'
HCH/7/23 Leaflet titled 'Track and Trains' produced for the Rail Transport Museum, New Delhi, by the Indian Tourism Development Corporation, giving details of the Museum's collections
HCH/7/24 Envelope titled 'India F D C [First Day Cover]' containing booklet titled 'Indian Locomotives Postage stamps 15-5-1976' with mounted stamps
HCH/8 Timetables
HCH/8/1 Volume titled 'Newman's Indian Bradshaw, A Guide for Railway Travellers in India No 879 February 1939'
HCH/8/2 Volume titled 'Newman's Indian Bradshaw, April 1948'
HCH/8/3 Volume titled 'Newman's Indian Bradshaw, A Guide for Railway and Airway Travellers in India No 1245 November 1969'
HCH/8/4 Volume titled 'Newman's Indian Bradshaw, A Guide for Railway and Airway Travellers in India No 1346 April 1978'
HCH/8/5 Volume titled 'India T.T. 1931' containing handwritten timetables for railways in India
HCH/8/6 Volume titled 'All India Railway Timetable in force from 1st Oct 1962' published by the Railway Board
HCH/8/7 Booklet titled 'Western Railway Suburban Timetable' issued by Western Railway [India]
HCH/8/8 Booklet titled 'Western Railway Timetables No. 47 In force from 1st November 1978' issued by Western Railway [India]
HCH/8/9 Volume titled 'Timetable South Eastern Railway No. 25' issued by South Eastern Railway [India]
HCH/8/10 Booklet titled 'For Official Use Only. N.E. Railway Working Timetable No. 18 Parts I and II 1st October 1960' issued by North Eastern Railway [India]
HCH/8/11 Volume titled 'Pakistan Western Railway Time and Fare Table, Oct 1967' issued by Pakistan Western Railway (Railway Board)
HCH/8/12 Volume titled 'Chemins de fer de l'Etat Egyptien Horaire des Trains de Voyageurs'
HCH/8/13 Booklet titled 'Egyptian Railways 1st July 1980'
HCH/8/14 Volume titled 'Working Timetable November 1st 1939 to October 31st 1940' issued by Egyptian State Railways
HCH/8/15 Booklet titled 'Electric Train Working (Eastern Section) Commencing 11th July 1926' by Southern Railway