Shop round, inscribed "SYR:ALTHAE"
Inscribed "SYR:ALTHAE"
8 blue glass shop rounds, from Nicholson's Chemists, British, 2nd half of 19th century
Inscribed "SYR:ALTHAE"
Blue glass shop round, no stopper, for poppy syrup (SYR: PAPAV), with traces remaining. 220 mm x 85 mm diameter, 470 g. From Nicholson's Chemists, English, late nineteenth century.
Inscribed "SYR:TOLUT:"
Inscribed "SYR..." part missing
Labelled "SYR RHLL" and "Syrup of TOLU"
Labelled "OXYM ... LL" and "OX:SCILLAE:"
Labelled "SYR..." and "COMPOUND SYRUP OF FIGS..."
Empty reagent bottle with glass stopper (pharmaceutical shop round labelled SYRUP SIMPLEX)