Ernemann Cronos 'B' folding bellows camera for negative size 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 using plates or cutfilm. Drop-front pull-out type with lever focusing. Fitted with a Nostar Anastigmat F.6.8 105mm lens mounted in a Zeiss Ikon everset shutter with speeds 1sec-1/100 B. & T. Lens panel has rising front and side movement. With ground glass screen and brilliant waist-level viewdinedr with spirit level. Metal construction with black leather cover. c.1924
Ernemann Cronos 'B' folding bellows camera for negative size 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 using plates or cutfilm. Drop-front pull-out type with lever focusing. Fitted with a Nostar Anastigmat F.6.8 105mm lens mounted in a Zeiss Ikon everset shutter with speeds 1sec-1/100 B. & T. Lens panel has rising front and side movement. With ground glass screen and brilliant waist-level viewdinedr with spirit level. Metal construction with black leather cover. c.1924