Clear square glass bottle with glass stopper for cinchona preparation
Clear square glass bottle with glass stopper for cinchona preparation, by Lewis and Burrows, London
Medicine chest, mahogany, brass bound with 10 glass bottles (4 labelled), glass pestle and mortar, apothecary's balance, two brass coin weights by W. and T. Avery, (1847, first year of production), spatula, English, 1801-1900
Clear square glass bottle with glass stopper for cinchona preparation, by Lewis and Burrows, London
Clear square glass bottle with glass stopper for ammonia, dispensed by Lewis and Burrows, London
Clear rectangular glass bottle with glass stopper, for sodium bicarbonate, dispensed by Lewis and Burrows, London
Clear rectangular bottle with glass stopper for tincture of myrrh, dispensed by Lewis and Burrows, London
Clear glass bottle stopper
Spatula with metal blade and wooden handle
Apothecary's balance with iron beam and brass pans
Medicine chest, mahogany case, brass bound, (without contents see other parts), English, nineteenth century