Homeopathic medicine chest, Northamptonshire, England, 1801-1900

Mahogany medicine chest with 6 labelled glass bottles and 69 Mahogany medicine chest with 6 labelled glass bottles and 69

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Mahogany medicine chest with 6 labelled glass bottles and 69
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Mahogany medicine chest with 6 labelled glass bottles and 69
Science Museum Group Collection
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Mahogany medicine chest with 6 labelled glass bottles and 69 labelled glass phials of homoeopathic medicines, by J.P. Berry of Northampton, 19th century

This mahogany medicine chest contains 69 small glass vials with handwritten labels and six large bottles. Homeopathy relies on the idea that ‘like cures like’. For instance, if you are vomiting, your treatment will be something that causes vomiting but in a smaller, much diluted dose. One of the large bottles is labelled “Urtica urens”. This treatment is made from a dwarf stinging nettle and is used on burns and skin irritations, the same effect the plant has on the body.


Materia Medica & Pharmacology
Sir Henry Wellcome's Museum Collection
Object Number:
chest, mahogany, brass, phials and bottles, glass and phials and bottles, cork
overall: 112 mm x 180 mm x 140 mm, 1.03kg
medicine chest
Saville Peck