Bottle of cough mixture
Bottle of cough mixture, empty
- Materials:
- bottle, glass and stopper, glass
- Object Number:
- A23886 Pt1
- type:
- bottle and cough mixture
Medicine chest, bottles from various suppliers, scruffy contents, from L.W. Wood of London, c.1830
Bottle of cough mixture, empty
Bottle, empty
Bottle of sweet spirit of nitre, empty, and nitrous ether spirit
Glass bottle with ground glass stopper used for Spirit of Camphor, Paregoric and Laudanum(opium tincture), with brown traces remaining. 100 mm x 40 mm x 40 mm, 118g. Bottle was re-used for these different substances as labels are layered over each other. Dispensed by F. Blidberg, Forest Gate, London, 1870-1930.
Bottle, empty
Bottle of steel drops and ferrous sulphate
Bottle of essence of peppermint, empty
Bottle of friars' balsam (compound benzoin tincture)
Recipe of luera picra
Wooden drawer, red velvet lined with brass handle
Lump of copper sulphate
Packet of salt of lemon and potassium quadroxalate and reagents
Balance, scales for weighing, iron beam, brass pans
Two drachm weight
One drachm weight
Two scruple weight
Half scruple weight
Six grain weight
Medicine chest case (without contents see other parts), from L.W. Wood of London, c.1830