Glass vial of aconitum
Glass vial of aconitum
- Object Number:
- A630680 Pt1
- type:
- homeopathic medicine and aconitum
Homoeopathic medicine pocket dispensary, folding leather case containing 60 glass phials all labelled, made by Dr.W. Schwabe of Leipzig, German, 1870-1930
Glass vial of aconitum
Antimony crude
Glass vial of apis
Glass vial of arnica
Glass vial of Arsenicum
Caryta carbonate
Glass vial of Belladonna
Glass vial of Bromum
Glass vial of Bryonia
Carlcium carbonate
Glass vial of Camphora
Specimen phial containing homeopathic cannabis pills. Phial: 55mm. Homeopathic medicine is based on the 'law of similars' that 'like is cured by like'. Dispensed by Dr. William Schwabe, German, 1870-1930.
Glass vial of Cantharis
Glass vial of Causticum
Glass vial of Chamomilla
Glass vial of China
Glass vial of Cina
Glass vial oc Cocculus
Glass vial of Coffea
Glass vial of Colchicum
Glass vial of Colocynthis
Glass vial of Conium
Glass vial of Cuprum
Glass vial of Digitalis
Glass vial of Drosera
Glass vial of Dulcamara
Glass vial of Ferrum
Glass vial of Graphites
Glass vial of Hyoscyam
Glass vial of Ignatia
Glass vial of Jodum
Glass vial of Ipecac
Kali carbonate
Glass vial of Lachesis
Glass vial of Lycopodium
Mercury cyanide
Glass specimen phial of homeopathic opium pills, now empty. 55mm. Homeopathic medicine is based on the 'law of similars' that 'like is cured by like'. Dispensed by Dr. William Schwabe, German, 1870-1930.
Glass vial of Phosphorus
Glass vial of Plumbum
Glass vial of Pulsatilla
Glass vial of Sabina
Glass vial of Sepia
Glass vial of Silicea
Glass vial of Spigelia
Glass vial of Spongia
Glass vial of Staphisagr
Glass vial of Sulphur
Glass vial of Thuja
Glass vial of Veratrum