Travellers' steel medicine chest containing 11 medicines

Travellers' steel medicine chest containing 11 medicines

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Travellers' steel medicine chest containing 11 medicines, by Burroughs Wellcome, English, early 20th century



Bottle of comprssed opium tablets

Bottle of comprssed opium tablets

Small glass bottle of opium tablets with tin screw top from a small steel medicine chest. 70 mm x 20 mm x 25 mm, 38g. Labels on the chest reveal it was created for travellers to tropic areas. White paper label with black type face reads, ' POISON/ Burroughs, Wellcome & Co/ 'Tabloids'/ of compressed/ OPIUM 1/2 gr./ Directions.- One or two 'tab/ loids' may be swallowed with a/ little water as a sedative, or for / the relief of pain./ Snowhill Buildings, London, E.C.' The term tabloid' medicines in compressed and measured doses was invented by Sir Henry Wellcome as early as 1884.

overall: 70 mm x 20 mm x 25 mm, 38g
tin , opium and glass
Object Number:
A651296 Pt4
medicine chest and opium
Small glass bottle of compressed Dover's powder tablets

Small glass bottle of compressed Dover's powder tablets

Small glass bottle of compressed Dover's powder tablets with tin screw top from a small steel medicine chest. 70 mm x 20 mm x 25 mm, 30g. Labels on the chest reveal it was created for travellers to tropic areas. White paper label with black type face reads, ' Burroughs, Wellcome & Co/ 'Tabloids'/ of compressed/Dover Powder/5 gr./ Pulv. Ipecac. Co.)/ Directions.- 1 to 3 'tabloids'/ may be taken with a little water on/ retiring, to break up a cold, or an as-/astringent and anodyne in dysentery/ persistant diarrhoea or cholera, and/ for the relief of pain./ Snowhill Buildings, London, E.C.' The word 'poison' is stamped over the label in red. The term tabloid' medicines in compressed and measured doses was invented by Sir Henry Wellcome as early as 1884. Dover powder's key ingredient opium led it to be used as a cure for cholera, diarrheoa and the common cold. The mixture is usually comprised of opium, ipecac. and potassium sulphate. It was commonly used through the 1960s.

overall: 70 mm x 20 mm x 25 mm, 30g
tin , opium , glass and half-full
Object Number:
A651296 Pt9
medicine chest and opium
Small bottle of compressed lead and opium tablets

Small bottle of compressed lead and opium tablets

Small glass bottle of compressed lead and opium tablets with tin screw top from a small steel medicine chest. 70 mm x 20 mm x 25 mm, 28g. Labels on the chest reveal it was created for travellers to tropic areas. White paper label with black type face reads, ' Burroughs, Wellcome & Co/ 'Tabloids'/ LEAD AND OPIUM./ Anodyne and astringent./ In obstinante diarrhoea or dysen-/tary , one every six hours./ Snowhill Buildings, London, E.C.' The word 'poison' is stamped over the label in red. The term tabloid' medicines in compressed and measured doses was invented by Sir Henry Wellcome as early as 1884.

overall: 70 mm x 20 mm x 25 mm, 28g
half-full , glass , tin and opium
Object Number:
A651296 Pt10
medicine chest and opium
Dr.J. Moir's pills

Dr.J. Moir's pills

Dr.J. Moir's pills

Object Number:
A651296 Pt1
medicine chest
Quinine bisulphate

Quinine bisulphate

Quinine bisulphate

Object Number:
A651296 Pt2
medicine chest
Ipecacuanha and squill

Ipecacuanha and squill

Ipecacuanha and squill

Object Number:
A651296 Pt3
medicine chest
Glass jar of rhubarb compound

Glass jar of rhubarb compound

Glass jar with silver screw-top lid, labelled 'rhei com 5 grms', by Burroughs Wellcome

Object Number:
A651296 Pt5
medicine chest
Livingstone rousers

Livingstone rousers

Livingstone rousers

Object Number:
A651296 Pt6
medicine chest
Mercury pill-mass

Mercury pill-mass

Mercury pill-mass

Object Number:
A651296 Pt7
medicine chest
Quinidine sulphate and ferric hypophosphite

Quinidine sulphate and ferric hypophosphite

Quinidine sulphate and ferric hypophosphite

Object Number:
A651296 Pt8
medicine chest
Glass jar, labelled 'ipecacuanha powder'

Glass jar, labelled 'ipecacuanha powder'

Glass jar with silver screw-top lid, labelled 'ipecacuanha powder 5 grms', by Burroughs Wellcome

Object Number:
A651296 Pt11
medicine chest