Neve DSP-1 digital sound desk

Neve DSP-1 digital sound desk

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Science Museum Group Collection
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Neve digital sound desk, ex-BBC DSP-1, 1985, the complete system, including several racks of processing equipment

The Neve DSP made in England in 1981.

The Neve DSP was the first fully-digital sound desk. The analogue audio was digitised in the stagebox and sent as serial digital data down a fibre optic cable to the processing racks. All the Digital Signal Processing (hence DSP) - such as mixing, equalisation, dynamics etc, was carried out in the digital domain, the final signal from the desk appearing in digital form (AES/EBU) for recording, or converted back to analogue for broadcasting. This desk was fitted in an outside broadcast vehicle by the BBC and as a result of vibration during transit proved to be unreliable in operation. Probably the most complex and expensive sound desk ever made.


Object Number:
metal (unknown) and plastic (unidentified)
digital mixing desk
British Broadcasting Corporation


Control Surface for Neve DSP

Control surface for Neve DSP-1 (Digital Signal Processing) sound desk, 1985.


The Neve DSP was the first fully-digital sound desk. The analogue audio was digitised in the stagebox and sent as serial digital data down a fibre optic cable to the processing racks. All the Digital Signal Processing (hence DSP) - such as mixing, equalisation, dynamics etc, was carried out in the digital domain, the final signal from the desk appearing in digital form (AES/EBU) for recording, or converted back to analogue for broadcasting. This desk was fitted in an outside broadcast vehicle by the BBC and as a result of vibration during transit proved to be unreliable in operation. Probably the most complex and expensive sound desk ever made.

overall: 1110 mm x 1950 mm x 1180 mm, 277 kg
steel (metal) , metal (unknown) , glass , plastic (unidentified) and electronic compnents
Object Number:
digital mixing desk
Image ©
The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum
Circuit Boards, Processing Units, Fan Unit and Skateboard for Neve DSP-1

Circuit Boards, Processing Units, Fan Unit and Skateboard for Neve DSP-1

Five processing units (labelled 1,2,4,5), fan unit, skateboard for stagebox no.3 and a box of circuit boards for Neve DSP-1 digital mixing desk.

overall: 1200 mm x 1220 mm x 1020 mm, 214 kg
Object Number:
digital mixing desk
Stagebox, Leads, Clock and Boards for Neve DSP-1

Stagebox, Leads, Clock and Boards for Neve DSP-1

Stagebox no.2, box of fiber optic leads, box of fiberoptic leads and interconnecting cables, AES/EBU clock, box of spare boards and two boards for Neve DSP-1 digital mixing desk.

Object Number:
digital mixing desk
Image ©
The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum
Stagebox No.1 and Stagebox No.3 for Neve DSP-1

Stagebox No.1 and Stagebox No.3 for Neve DSP-1

Stagebox no.1 and stagebox no.3 for Neve DSP-1 digital mixing desk.

overall: 1260 mm x 1000 mm x 720 mm, 196.5 kg
Object Number:
digital mixing desk
Image ©
The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum
Output Boxes, Rack Fan Unit and Processing Unit Covers for Neve DSP-1

Output Boxes, Rack Fan Unit and Processing Unit Covers for Neve DSP-1

Output boxes 1, 2, and 3, rack fan units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and processing unit front covers for Neve DSP-1 digital mixing desk.

overall: 1075 mm x 1140 mm x 925 mm, 197.5 kg
Object Number:
digital mixing desk
Image ©
The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum
Line Output Box, Processing Units, Analogue to Digital Convertor and Power Supply Unit for Neve DSP-1

Line Output Box, Processing Units, Analogue to Digital Convertor and Power Supply Unit for Neve DSP-1

Line output box, digital to analogue/ analogue to digital convertor, processing unit 3 and 6, and power supply unit for Neve DSP-1 digital mixing desk.

overall: 1880 mm x 1170 mm x 1000 mm,
Object Number:
digital mixing desk
Image ©
The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum
Control Surface for Neve DSP Support Frame

Control Surface for Neve DSP Support Frame

Support frame of control surface for Neve DSP-1 (Digital Signal Processing) sound desk, 1985.


The Neve DSP was the first fully-digital sound desk. The analogue audio was digitised in the stagebox and sent as serial digital data down a fibre optic cable to the processing racks. All the Digital Signal Processing (hence DSP) - such as mixing, equalisation, dynamics etc, was carried out in the digital domain, the final signal from the desk appearing in digital form (AES/EBU) for recording, or converted back to analogue for broadcasting. This desk was fitted in an outside broadcast vehicle by the BBC and as a result of vibration during transit proved to be unreliable in operation. Probably the most complex and expensive sound desk ever made.