Grand Junction Railway 2-2-2 locomotive Tamerlane
- artist:
- Henry Maurice Whitcombe
![Grand Junction Railway 2-2-2 locomotive Tamerlane](https://coimages.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/121/405/small_thumbnail_103359_3.jpg)
![Grand Junction Railway 2-2-2 locomotive Tamerlane](https://coimages.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/14/227/small_thumbnail_pic_1986_9434.jpg)
Oil painting by H M Whitcombe. Grand Junction Railway 2-2-2 locomotive Tamerlane. W B Buddicom's Crewe Type, 1843. One of series of 27 paintings of locomotives of the period 1830-1870 by H M Whitcombe. Illustrated in After Rocket: The Forgotten Years 1830-1870 by H M Whitcombe
- Category:
- Pictorial Collection (Railway)
- Object Number:
- 1986-9434
- Measurements:
: 25 x 14.0945 in.; 635 x 358 mm
- type:
- painting and oil painting
- credit:
- Somerset Fry, P.F.I.