Model, scale 1:64, unrigged, of the Blackwall Frigate sail trading ship 'True Briton' (1861), later converted to a barque, unsigned, British, 1861-1934. Blackwall Frigates were a series of sail trading ships built between 1837 and 1869 for the trade with India. This followed the East India Company's loss of their exclusive trading charter. Blackwall Frigates were so called because they were built at shipyards in Blackwall, London. Like frigates, they were built with fine lines enabling them to sail very fast. As such, they were faster than the typical East Indiaman.
- Category:
- Water Transport
- Object Number:
- 1934-288
- Materials:
- wood (unidentified), paint, cotton (fibre) and brass (copper, zinc alloy)
- Measurements:
overall: 260 mm x 1120 mm x 220 mm,
- type:
- model - representation
- credit:
- Mrs E Dickson