Liconix helium-cadmium laser
Liconix helium-cadmium laser, comprising of power unit model 4207N, 125mm x 155mm x 620mm. Made in 1984. 94086. With instruction manuals.
Liconix helium-cadmium laser, comprising of power unit model 4207N, 125mm x 155mm x 620mm. Made in 1984 and laser unit model 4300, serial No. 9005081 made in 1990. Made by Liconix, 1390 Borregas Avenue, Sunnyvale, California 94086. With instruction manuals.
Lasers can be used to produce images such as maps. A scanning process builds up an image on to light-sensitive paper. Originally, the information is generated by a satellite which detects the natural infra-red radiation from the surface of the Earth. These data are then re-transmitted to a receiver back on earth. More detailed images of this type are used for surveys of land use, and it is sometimes possible to distinguish between different crops.
Liconix helium-cadmium laser, comprising of power unit model 4207N, 125mm x 155mm x 620mm. Made in 1984. 94086. With instruction manuals.
Power unit, model 4207N for Liconix helium-cadmium laser made by Liconix, 1390 Borregas Avenue, Sunnyvale, California 94086, 1990.
Components for Power unit, model 4207N for Liconix helium-cadmium laser made by Liconix, 1390 Borregas Avenue, Sunnyvale, California 94086, 1990.