Non-working model of a proposed domestic robot, 1970 - 1980

Non-working model of a proposed domestic robot;1970 - 1980

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Non-working model of a proposed domestic robot;1970 - 1980
Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Non-working model of a proposed domestic robot;1970 - 1980. Unusual concept of a domestic robot produced by Professor Meredith Wooldridge Thring at Queen Mary College, London, signficant in the development of robots.

Meredith Thring was an inventor and engineer. Though he originally trained as a physicist, he said he switched to engineering to make the world a better place. He later founded the Royal Academy of Engineering. Meredith spent much of his life experimenting with models and prototypes to explore how the technology of the future would work. This non-working prototype is one of the ideas he had when imagining how robots could help us around the house.


Human Robotics
Object Number:
wood (unidentified), metal (unknown) and paint
overall: 500 mm x 200 mm x 150 mm,
model, domestic robot and prototype
Thring, Meredith Wooldridge