Model, scale 1:3, of a power loom for simple plain weaving made by Messrs. Sevill and Woolstenhulme, Oldham, Manchester, England, 1857.
One third scale model of a power loom for simple plain weaving made by Messrs. Sevill and Woolstenhulme in 1857. This loom gives the most elementary kind of weaving in which weft crosses over and under the warps alternately and was the type used extensively for calico weaving. There is an arrangement for stopping the loom automatically if the shuttle does not reach its box after each pick, and if the weft should break then a weft fork device which is normally balanced to rest on the unbroken thread falls and operates cut off machinery to stop the loom.
- Category:
- Textiles Machinery
- Object Number:
- 1874-149
- Materials:
- cast iron, cast steel, wood and cotton textile
- Measurements:
overall: 450 mm x 800 mm x 470 mm, 38 kg
- type:
- loom and model - representation
- credit:
- purchased