Ms. description re artificial ventilation for
- Made:
- 1885-1895
- maker:
- Board of Admiralty
[Ms. description re artificial ventilation for, and arrangement drawings (9) of, HMS 'Narcissus' / Admiralty (& Chatham and Portsmouth Dockyards). 1885-1895. 9p. + 9 sheets (on roll), line drawings with wash, scale 1/16" : 1' (1); 1/4" : 1' (8). Comprise 'General description of Artificial Ventilation for information of Officers of Ship'; drawing of 'Watertight Compartments shewing Watertight Doors, Sluice Valves &c.'; plans of skid beams, platforms, upper deck, main deck, protective deck; profile; plan of hold (and sections); sheer drawing. See also inv. no. 1988-620 (MSR 139) for other 'Narcissus' drawings]