A wrought-iron mill damsel; a flat iron bar with a row of cross holes and a journal ends
- Items found at Hayes Store
A wrought-iron mill damsel; a flat iron bar with a row of cross holes and a journal ends, perhaps millwork; 2 light rods formed into shallow S curves with eye ends; a length of pump rod or shaft 1" diameter with a cottered muff coupling; an iron half-bearing to fit 1 1/4" diameter shaft; a nut tapped 2 1/4" diameter x 8 t.p.i. diameter for a holding-down bolt; a cast-iron disc 6 1/8" diameter with a groove turned in the edge and a central hole 9/16" diameter; and a light cast iron pulley, damaged, 5 1/8" diameter to fit 7/16" shaft, perhaps for a sewing machine