Trist-Hargreaves Test, a diagnostic performance test, devised by EL Trist as an easier alternative to the Semeonoff-Vygotsky Test of concept formation, for the normal middle range of intelligence; consisting of 13 wooden pieces painted in yellow, blue and white, with instruction booklet, used at the Institute of Education, University of Liverpool, c.1960-1990.
The Trist-Hargreaves Test is a diagnostic performance test for the ‘normal, middle to lower and deficient mental ranges’ of intelligence. It consists of 13 wooden pieces painted yellow, blue and white, and instructions. Subjects performed tasks such as grouping objects and rearranging these groups to contain equal numbers or colours. It was used at the Institute of Education, University of Liverpool, between 1960 and 1990.
- Category:
- Psychology, Psychiatry & Anthropometry
- Object Number:
- 2000-611
- Materials:
- wood
- Measurements:
overall: 30 mm x 180 mm x 120 mm, .26kg
- type:
- psychometric test
- credit:
- Faber, Diana