Object type

Schonell's Test R7


Rorschach Inkblot Test, Bern Switzerland, 1942


Trist-Hargreaves performance test, London England, 1953-1963


Lowenfeld Mosaic Plates, London England, 1955-1965


Rorschach Inkblot Test, Bern Switzerland, 1942


Bayley Scales of Infant Development, 1969-2000


'Mother's Own' 2 piece Stutsman picture puzzle

Psychometric Test, form board, Chicago, United States, 1930-1980


Psychometric Test, Chicago, United States of America, 1905-1915


The Minnesota Occupational Rating Scales and Counseling Profile (book)


Intelligence test, Chicago, United States, 1915-1925

circa 1920

Morrisby Differential Test Battery material. Includes 2 manuals


Jaench's Picture for eidetic imagery

Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities; includes manual


Wiggly Block Test, about 1950


Symbolic Play Test, United Kingdom, 1988


Symbolic Play Test, United Kingdom, 1988


Dotting machine, England, 1920-1940


Three and six cube pyramids, Stutsman

Kasanin-Hanfmann Concept Formation Test material, comprises 1 examiner manual, published by C.H. Stoelting Co., Chicago, n.d.

Kasanin-Hanfmann Concept Formation Test material

Scheerer Sorting Test material, comprising 1 complete test, with instructions and full set of shapes. No maker marked, n.d.

Scheerer Sorting Test material

Rosenzweig P-F (Picture Frustration) Study for Adults and Children material, comprises: 1 test form for children, 1 for adults, and 1 record blank. Developed by S. Rosenzweig, no maker marked, 1948.

Rosenzweig P-F (Picture Frustration) Study for Adults and Children material


Wilson-Patterson Attitude Inventory, comprising manual, answer sheets, and scoring sheets. Questionnaire asking subjects whether they believed in 50 items related to social order, “yes” or “no”. The Inventory was a revision of the Conservatism scale. Copyright Glenn D. Wilson, 1975.

Wilson-Patterson Attitude Inventory


Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (revised), comprising manual, test booklets, and answer sheets. 225-item questionnaire measured 15 personality variables via statements about likes/dislikes (e.g. “I like to do new and different things”) and feelings (e.g. “I feel timid on the presence of people I regard as my superiors”). Developed by Allen L. Edwards. Published by the Psychological Corporation, 1959.

Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (revised)


Bannister-Fransella Grid Test for Schizophrenia Thought Disorder, comprising manuals, photographs, and scoring sheets. Subjects asked to rank and re-rank 8 photographs of people’s faces according to categories such as stupid, kind, and mean. Copyright D. Bannister and F. A. R. Fransella, 1967.

Bannister-Fransella Grid Test for Schizophrenia Thought Disorder


Language Imitation Test (LIT), comprising manual and record forms. Detailed experimental language test for children with severe learning difficulties. Developed by Paul Berry and Peter Mittler, published by NFER Publishing Co., n.d.

Language Imitation Test (LIT)

Essential Problem Arithmetic Test material, comprises: 24 Form A test booklets and 4 Form B test booklets. Developed by F.J. Schonell, published by Oliver and Boyd, Ltd., Edinburgh and London, 1936-1949.

Essential Problem Arithmetic Test material


Sleight Non-Verbal Test material, comprises: 1 manual of directions and 5 test booklets, developed by G.F. Sleight, published by George G. Harrap and Co., Ltd., London and Edinburgh, n.d.

Sleight Non-Verbal Test material

Leeds Scales, comprising answer sheets only. 15-item questionnaire containing items such as ‘I have lost interest in things’ or ‘I get dizzy attacks or feel unsteady’. Subjects asked to respond with how they had been feeling in the last day or two, on a scale ranging from a=Yes definitely, to d=No not at all. No maker marked, n.d.

Leeds Scales

Test of Mechanical Comprehension material, published by the Psychological Corporation, New York, 1940-?

Test of Mechanical Comprehension material


Personnel Selection and Classification Test material, comprises: Form B manual of directions, Form B test booklet, Form B scoring key, and Form A test booklet. Developed by Clark, Tiegs, Thorpe, MacQuarrie, and Sullivan, published by the California Test Bureau, Los Angeles, 1942-1944.

Personnel Selection and Classification Test material


Meier Art Judgment Test material, comprises: 4 sets of scoring keys in one envelope, published by the Bureau of Educational Research and Services, University of Iowa, n.d.

Meier Art Judgment Test material

Retail Selling Inventory material, comprises: 1 test booklet, developed by H.J. Baker and P.H. Voelker, published by Public School Publishing, Co., Bloomington, IL, n.d.

Retail Selling Inventory material

Survey of Mechanical Insight material, comprises: 1 test booklet, developed by D.R. Miller, published by the California Test Bureau, Los Angeles, CA, 1945.

Survey of Mechanical Insight material


Engineering and Physical Science Aptitude Test material, comprises: manual (revised 1951) and 4 scoring keys, with original envelope, published by the Psychological Corporation, New York, 1951.

Engineering and Physical Science Aptitude Test material


Test of Practical Judgement material, comprises: 1 spiral test booklet for Form AH, developed by A.J. Cardall, published by Science Research Associates, Chicago, 1942

Test of Practical Judgement material


Purdue Test for Electricians material, comprises: preliminary manual and test booklet, developed by C.W. Caldwell, H.R. Goppert, H.G. McComb and W.B. Hill, manual by Joseph Tiffin, published by Science Research Associates, Chicago, 1942.

Purdue Test for Electricians material


Purdue Test For Machinists and Machine Operators material, comprises: Form BH spiral test booklet and 1 answer pad, developed by Owen, Stevason, McComb and Hume, manual by Joseph Tiffin, published by Science Research Associates, Chicago, 1942.

Purdue Test For Machinists and Machine Operators material


Gates Reading Diagnostic Tests, revised edition material, comprises: 1 manual of directions, 6 tachistoscopic cards with small openings, and 4 tachistoscopic cards with larger openings, published by Bureau of Publications, Columbia University, New York, 1945.

Gates Reading Diagnostic Tests


Kuder Preference Record - Personal material, comprises: examiner manual, spiral test booklet with answer pad, 4 profile sheets, and 3 'self-scoring answer pads'. Developed by G.F. Kuder, published by Science Research Associates, Chicago, n.d.

Kuder Preference Record - Personal material

Purdue Mechanical Adaptability Test material comprises: 1 test manual and 1 'Form A: Men' developed by Lawshe and Tiffin, published by Science Research Associates, Chicago, 1946.

Purdue Mechanical Adaptability Test material


Kuder Preference Record Form BB material, comprises 1 test booklet, 8 adult profile sheets, and 4 'self-scoring answer pads'. Developed by G.F. Kuder, published by Science Research Associates, Chicago, n.d.

Kuder Preference Record Form BB material

Vocational Preference Inventory (VPI), comprising manual, occupations list, answer sheet, scoring sheet, and male profile. VPI asked subjects whether they liked or disliked 160 different occupations. Developed primarily to assess personality, but also used for occupational guidance for students and employed adults. Copyright John L. Holland, 1978.

Vocational Preference Inventory (VPI)


Adult Basic Learning Examination (2nd edition), comprising manual, scoring sheet and response sheets. Designed to measure level of educational achievement among adults; 3 levels of difficulty depending on the number of years of schooling the adult had. Devised by Bjorn Karlsen and Eric F. Garder; published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1986

Adult Basic Learning Examination (2nd edition)


Data on PNA and Matrices, comprises: 3 copies of a data set (test results from a class), compiled by P.E. Kingerlee, no maker marked, n.d.

Data on PNA and Matrices

Essential Mechanical Arithmetic Test material, comprises: 4 Form A test booklets and 33 Form B test booklets. Developed by F.J. Schonell, published by Oliver and Boyd, Ltd., Edinburgh and London, 1936-1949.

Essential Mechanical Arithmetic Test material


U.S.E.S. General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) material, comprises: 2 sets of scoring keys, each with envelope, made by I.B.M.

U.S.E.S. General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) material

Maudsley Medical Questionnaire material, comprises: 3 questionnaires, no maker marked, n.d.

Maudsley Medical Questionnaire material

Kuder Vocational Preference Record (UK edition), comprising manual, instructions memorandum, test forms, answer pads, and profile sheets. Questionnaire asking subjects to judge activities they find most and least appealing in order to identify potential occupations, or to check a person’s choice of occupation. Science Research Associates, Ltd., 1974.

Kuder Vocational Preference Record (UK edition)


Wolpe Fear Survey Schedule, comprising answer booklets only. 108-item questionnaire asking subjects to rate how much they felt disturbed by different things and experiences (e.g. ‘Sick people’, ‘Flying insects’), from 0=Not at all to 4=Very much. Developed by Joseph Wolpe and Peter J. Lang. Educational and Industrial Testing Service, 1969.

Wolpe Fear Survey Schedule