Miscellaneous collection of papers of Captain H. Shaw re geophysical instruments
- Made:
- 1925-1931
- maker:
- Herman Shaw
[Miscellaneous collection of papers of Captain H. Shaw re geophysical instruments. Comprises photographs, articles and correspondence, including re Cambridge portable vibrograph, the Cambridge portable magnetometer, Hecker torsion balances, the Eotvos double torsion balance, the Galitzin seismograph and various Askania geophysical instruments. The material was collected by Shaw for use in his 1931 publication 'Applied Geophysics'. Shaw joined the Science Museum in 1920; he became Assistant Keeper of Dept. of Physics & Geophysics in 1931 and Keeper in 1935. He was acting Director in 1940 becoming Director in 1945. 6 files + 1 slipcase]