Rotating Barany chair
Chair for rotating Barany chair equipment.
Rotating Barany chair, with control panel, laser attachment, archival material and other accessories. The Barany Chair was used to produce nystagmus (rapid, jerky eye movements) for clinical assessment of vestibular function (ie relating to body equilibrium and balance) including vertigo. This example was developed in the early 1950s, using surplus WWII hardware, for Charles Hallpike one of the founders of modern neuro-otology. It was originally used at the National Hospital in London. It remained in use until the summer of 2005.
Chair for rotating Barany chair equipment.
Opto kinetic nystagmus (OKN) drum main part for rotating Barany chair. Drum part is circular and black.
OKN drum hardboard disc for rotating Barany chair. Drum part is circular and black. Circular hole cut in centre with line extending to drum edge.
Wooden base cover for rotating Barany chair. In two parts, each with a semicircle cut out the centre.
Wooden step for rotating Barany chair
Electronystagmography glass (ENG) for rotating Barany chair.
Box containing electrodes for rotating Barany chair. Box marked “Old electrodes”.
Box containing brushes for electrical contact for rotating Barany chair.
Metal locking device for rotating Barany chair with piece of ball chain attached
Metal adjusting handle for rotating Barany chair
Bag of metal curtain rings for rotating Barany chair
Control panel for rotating Barany chair with two central microampere read-out dials as well as a series of additional switches and dials.
Removable calibration bar for rotating Barany chair. Bar forms an L-shape with two components sitting at a right angle. The calibration bar also features a triangular component affixed to one side.
Detachable I-shaped bar for rotating Barany chair
Detachable T-shaped bar for rotating Barany chair.
Components of Motor controller for rotating Barany chair without rack. Three main components with multiple connecting wires. One panel for 'drum controls' & one with 'motor' controls.
Four scaffold pipes associated with rotating Barany chair.
Scientifica-Cook Limited HeNe Gas Laser for rotating Barany chair.
Slide cabinet and key for rotating Barany chair
Black curtain with blue zip and trim for rotating Barany chair
Metal chair base screws for rotating Barany chair
Powercard power supply for rotating Barany chair. Branded “A trademark of the ITT System”. Model number: PC500C15/5.
Box of miscellaneous pieces associated with Barany chair. Includes a selection of metal washers and wires alongside other components
Miscellaneous cables associated with the rotating Barany chair. One is labelled 'laser' and another is labelled 'chair aux connections'
Miscellaneous metal scaffolding components associated with the rotating Barany chair. One small bar with circular fitting attached to one end and 8 loose separate fittings. Multiple pieces branded 'Kee Klamp'