Object type

Square Wooden Base

Base for right lateral aluminium compensator for use with Cobalt 60 radiotherapy machine from the Churchill Hospital


wooden base for dissected cones

Base for Microbarograph, 1903


Wooden and brass base in a wooden handled case

Glass base


Base for left lateral aluminium compensator for use with Cobalt 60 radiotherapy machine from the Churchill Hospital


Wooden base for a component from the remains of a Cornish pumping engine


Base for planimeter patented 1904 by Connolly Brothers

Base with rounded sides, from Friesland stoelklok, decorative, badly distressed, pendulum and weights missing. Netherlands mid 19th century. (B3258)

Base with rounded sides

Square wooden frame on four short legs, probably base for A-frames for supporting one of the bells set up in connection with the Wells cathedral clock

Square wooden frame on four short legs, from Wells cathedral clock bell


Rectangular rebated base with four circular holes

Rectangular rebated base with four circular holes

Slotted base, Nuffield Physics pattern

Slotted base, Nuffield Physics pattern


Base for Durst Laborator 138 Enllarger

Base for Durst Laborator 138 Enlarger

Base for a thermionic Maltese cross tube by Rank Electronic Tubes

base for a Thermionic Maltese cross tube


Base from a pillar of veined white marble, unsigned, 1701-1900

Base from a pillar of veined white marble


Base unit for scale Model of Goonhilly satellite Antenna (Arthur) and ground station, unknown maker, British, 1987-2008

Base Unit for Scale Model of the Goonhilly Satellite Station, 1987-2008


Shell and wooden base, from Mr. Silberrad

Shell and wooden base

Wooden base

Wooden base

Miscellaneous, shade on wood base


Base for mounting object generator on focal slide, from EROS IV optical transfer function measuring system for lens testing, made by R & J Beck Ltd. in about 1966

Base for mounting object generator on focal slide


Base of a Romano-British shaft type smelting furnace

Base of shaft type smelting furnace

Base and capital from a pillar of veined white marble, unsigned, 1701-1900

Base and capital from a pillar of veined white marble


Wooden base with an insulating glass piller to support (1) a cylinder coated with conducting material, or (2) a sphere coated with conducting material, or (3) a pear-shaped body coated with conducting material

Wooden base with an insulating glass piller to support (1) a cylinder coated with conducting material


Wooden base for model of Cranbrook Windmill (1929-1008)

Wooden base for model of Cranbrook Windmill

Miscellaneous non horological shade and base

Miscellaneous non horological shade and base

Miscellaneous, shade on wood base


Miscellaneous, shade on wood base


Base for mounting image analyser on focal slide, from EROS IV optical transfer function measuring system for lens testing, made by R & J Beck Ltd. in about 1966

Base for Mounting Image Analyser on Focal Slide


Pharmacy display bottle stopper, one of three, clear glass, English, 1920-1955.

Pharmacy display bottle base


Pharmacy display bottle base, one of three, dark wood and circular, English, 1920-1955.

Pharmacy display bottle base


Base for Hunter-Penrose process camera. Manufactured by Hunter-Penrose Ltd, 109 Farringdon Road, London EC1.

Base for Hunter-Penrose Process Camera