Toy magic lantern

Home Magic Lantern by Jean Schoenner

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Home Magic Lantern by Jean Schoenner
The Kodak Collection at the National Media Museum, Bradford
Science Museum Group Collection

Toy magic lantern. Made in Germany by J.S., star and wheel with wing trademark. Toy optical lantern of blued iron for oil lamp (missing), metal reflector and 3 1/2 cm condenser lens, doublet projector lens, focused by separating front and rear elements. Cylindrical chimney. 4 foot in the form of shrouded faces. In original box with instructions in lid, with 20 slides, 4 x 15cm. 2 slides marked EP 8 pictures, Little Red Riding Hood. 2 slides marked EP 8 pictures Puss in Boots. 2 slides marked EP 8 pictures Jack The Giant Killer. 1 slide marked EP 4 pictures Robinson Crusoe. 1 slide marked EP 4 pictures John Gilpin(?). 1 slide marked EP 4 pictures 10/1-4, Boy in Honey Barrel. 1 slide marked EP 4 pictures Dick Whitington. 1 slide 4 pictures of Winter Sports marked 11/1-4. 1 slide of Country Views marked 6/1-4. 1 slide heads of famous Frenchmen, including Napoleon. 1 slide, four views of foreign lands marked 8/1-4. 1 slide four pictures of sports, marked 12/1-4. 1 slide four pictures of Foreign Buildings. 1 slide panoramic, dancers and musicians. 1 slide, panoramic, country scene, castle, river, houses. 1 slide, panoramic, marked No4, Pool of London, Tower Bridge. 1 slide, panoramic, sailing ships (broken).


Kodak Collection
Object Number:
glass and metal (unknown)
toy magic lantern
The Kodak Collection at the National Media Museum, Bradford


Toy magic lantern. Made in Germany by JS

Toy magic lantern. Made in Germany by JS

Toy magic lantern. Made in Germany by JS, star and wheel with wing trademark. Toy optical lantern of blued iron for oil lamp (missing), metal reflector and 3 1/2 cm condenser lens, doublet projector lens, focused by separating front and rear elements. Cylindrical chimney. Four feet in the form of shrouded faces.

Object Number:
toy and magic lantern
Carton for toy magic lantern

Carton for toy magic lantern

Original box with instructions in lid for toy magic lantern.

Object Number:
24 toy magic lantern slides

24 toy magic lantern slides

24 magic lantern slides for 'JS' toy magic lantern, Germany. Seven hand coloured scenes (110x30mm), variuos scenes, Fair condition, by EP. One with right corner broken off. Six slides (35x130mm), Fair condition, scratched with some damage to tape binding. 10 (40x148mm) hand coloured slides by EP, Fair to Poor (1 has top left corner broken off, 1 has bottom left corner broken off, some with scuffed surface). 1 handcoloured slide of a cartoon (40x132mm), semi-circular piece from top left corner broken off.

glass , paper and ink
Object Number:
magic lantern slides