'Le 'Self Photo'' Outfit

'Le 'Self Photo'' Outfit

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Science Museum Group
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

'Le 'Self-Photo'' outfit. Wooden box containing a stereo camera for 44 x 104mm plates and flash outfit. Camera built in hinged on one edge, two simple fixed focus, aperture lenses taking through two holes in box front. Sliding spring loaded shutter actuated by pneumatic expander worked by bulb and tube which simultaneously actuates flashtray. This consists of a horizontal platform with depression for flashpowder, which is thrown onto a lighted taper laid in a tray at the back of the device, below a reflector which forms a lid when closed. Tray attached to the camera box by pivoted arm aiming by card with V lines on the back of a publicity photograph. Fitted with camera, flash tray, flash attaching arm, bottle of flash powder, flash powder measure, rubber bulb, tube and connecting T piece, 6 metal single metal darkslides and view finding card. With representatives trade card, E. Manal fils. Manufactured by Le Self-photo, 19 Rue Turgot, Paris 9.


Photographic Technology
Kodak Collection
Object Number:
overall: 85 mm x 245 mm x 75 mm,
stereo camera
The Kodak Collection at the National Media Museum, Bradford