Magnavox Odyssey Video Games Console

Magnavox Odyssey video game console
    The first home games Magnavox Odyssey Video Games Console

Magnavox Odyssey video game console The first home games

Magnavox Odyssey made by Magnavox Corporation in the United States from 1972.

The first home games console, the Odyssey marked a crucial change in the way people used their televisions. Ten games were released for the Odyssey, and the console was supplied with plastic overlays that players could place on their television screens, simulating color graphics. The system launched the home gaming industry and over 80,000 units, costing $99, were sold by the end of 1972, with approximately 100,000 units sold before the Odyssey was discontinued in 1975.


Computing & Data Processing
Object Number:
games console
The National Media Museum, Bradford