Univex Mercury II Camera Model CX
Camera for 35mm film 18 x 24mm in standard cassettes. Universal Tricor lens F: 35mm f/2.7-22, No.43157, in helical focusing mount, coated. Rotary shutter 20/30/40/50/100/200/300/1000/B/T. Direct optical vision finder. Rotary exposure counter to 65. Depth of focus scales, exposure calculator film type disc. Two accessory shoes. One with flash contact. No.62253. Universal Camera Corporation.
- Category:
- Photographic Technology
- Collection:
- Kodak Collection
- Object Number:
- 1990-5036/4197
- Materials:
- glass
- type:
- 35mm camera and cassette camera
- credit:
- The Kodak Collection at the National Media Museum, Bradford