Stereo Realist 2.8 camera and everready case

Stereo Realist 2.8 camera and everready case Stereo Realist 2.8 camera and everready case Stereo Realist 2.8 camera and everready case Stereo Realist 2.8 camera and everready case

The Kodak Collection at the National Media Museum, Bradford

David White Co., Milwaukee, Wisc. Stereocamera for 35mm film 2 x 24mm. Two White Anastigmat lenses f/2.8-22. Two blade shutters 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/200/B/T/ Couple ling base split image rangefinder; separate direct vision optical finder. Hinged lens cover; 'hot' accessory shoe. No 004304. In everready case.

Stereo Realist 2.8 camera for 35mm film 2 x 24mm., made by the David White Company in the United States, from 1951 to 1971.

Two White Anastigmat lenses f/2.8-22. Two blade shutters 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/200/B/T/ Couple ling base split image rangefinder; separate direct vision optical finder. Hinged lens cover; 'hot' accessory shoe. No 004304. In everready case.

The Stereo Realist was advertised from 1945, though not produced until 1947. A wide range of accessories were available including viewers, projectors, film cutters, slide mounting aids and cases, the David White Company also offered a stereo slide mounting service. Several models of the camera were produced in addition to the 2.8, including the Realist Custom and the Realist 45.


Photographic Technology
Kodak Collection
Object Number:
plastic (unidentified), white metal (unknown) and enamel
closed: 68 mm x 178 mm x 60 mm,
stereo camera and 35mm camera
The Kodak Collection at the National Media Museum, Bradford


Stereo Realist 2.8 camera

Stereo Realist 2.8 camera

David White Co., Milwaukee, Wisc. Stereocamera for 35mm film 2 x 24mm. Two White Anastigmat lenses f/2.8-22. Two blade shutters 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/200/B/T/ Couple ling base split image rangefinder; separate direct vision optical finder. Hinged lens cover; 'hot' accessory shoe. No 004304.


Stereo Realist 2.8 camera for 35mm film 2 x 24mm., made by the David White Company in the United States, from 1951 to 1971.

Two White Anastigmat lenses f/2.8-22. Two blade shutters 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/200/B/T/ Couple ling base split image rangefinder; separate direct vision optical finder. Hinged lens cover; 'hot' accessory shoe. No 004304. In everready case.

The Stereo Realist was advertised from 1945, though not produced until 1947. A wide range of accessories were available including viewers, projectors, film cutters, slide mounting aids and cases, the David White Company also offered a stereo slide mounting service. Several models of the camera were produced in addition to the 2.8, including the Realist Custom and the Realist 45.

Stereo Realist 2.8 camera everready case

Everready case for Stereocamera

overall: 100 mm x 185 mm x 187 mm,
Object Number:
camera case
Image ©
The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum