Kodak World's Fair Flash camera

Kodak World's Fair Flash camera
    World's Fair Flash camera

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Kodak World's Fair Flash camera World's Fair Flash camera
The Kodak Collection at the National Media Museum, Bradford
Science Museum Group Collection

Kodak World's Fair flash camera, 1964-1965. 127 rollfilm camera, fixed lens with Single Speed Rotary shutter. Similar to the Hawkeye Flashfun. Sold only at the New York World's Fair.

World’s Fair Flash camera, made by the Eastman Kodak Company in the United States, 1964-1965.

127 rollfilm camera, fixed lens with Single Speed Rotary shutter. Similar to the Hawkeye Flashfun.

This camera was made for the New York World’s Fair and originally cost $7.95. It is similar to the Hawkeye Flashfun, with a plastic cover over the lens with the emblem of the World’s Fair. The 1964-1965 World’s Fair was the third to be held in New York City. It was held over two six-month periods and showcased American culture and technology.


Photographic Technology
Kodak Collection
Object Number:
rollfilm camera
The Kodak Collection at the National Media Museum, Bradford