Standing outside a gramophone shop

Standing outside a gramophone shop
    A photograph of the

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Standing outside a gramophone shop A photograph of the
NMPFT/Syndication International
Science Museum Group Collection

A photograph of the exterior of Peckham Gramophone Stores, Peckham High Street, taken by Cardew for the Daily Herald newspaper on 19 August, 1932. A poster hanging above the doorway advertises a chance to win £5000 by buying a Decca F3075 record player. A queue of men and boys stand outside the shop listening to a record put on by the shop manager. In the window to the left of the photograph a large poster promotes band leader Jack Hylton 1892-1965) - his cardboard cut-out appears at the head of the queue.

A photograph of the exterior of Peckham Gramophone Stores, Peckham High Street, taken by Cardew for the Daily Herald newspaper on 19 August, 1932.

A poster hanging above the doorway advertises a chance to win £5000 by buying a Decca F3075 record player. A queue of men and boys stand outside the shop listening to a record put on by the shop manager. In the window to the left of the photograph a large poster promotes band leader Jack Hylton 1892-1965) - his cardboard cut-out appears at the head of the queue.


Daily Herald Archive
Object Number:
gelatin silver print and photograph