Object type
Place of origin
Silver gelatin print by Camera Press/L'Europeo. Printed Caption on verso reads: "U.S. Film Stars: ELIZABETH TAYLOR. Reports that scenes of Elizabeth Taylor in the nude were shot for the film 'Cleopatra' brought criticism from some quarters. This picture shows that such shots were made".

Elizabeth Taylor nude shot for "Cleopatra"


Professor Einstein with Commander Locker-Lampson


Daily Herald Photograph: Farm Auction


The Russian Royal Family at Tsarskoe Selo

Train driver, Jack Mills, with his grandchild, Stephen


Jewish demonstration against government policy in Palestine


Charlie Chaplin as a young man in Hollywood

circa 1916

School children being evacuated from London


Photograph of Hedy Lamarr and her mother Gertrude Kiesler


Photograph of actress Hedy Lamarr in the 1933 film 'Ecstasy'


Photograph of Whitehall cleaners on protest in London, 1st February 1949


A wire photograph, taken by an unknown photographer for United Press International, 1963. The two photographs were released by Jim Garrison of New Orleans in support of his theory that a shot was fired from a sewer during the Kennedy assassination. One photograph shows the sewer opening on Elm Street, Dallas. The second was taken from the opening as a car passed by.

Two Photographs supporting theory that a Shot came from a Sewer during Kennedy Assassination


The orange market outside the city walls


Cooling towers


Dominion Theatre Interior

Yul Brynner receiving Oscar for The King and I

28 March 1957

A photographic print of Exhibitions, Optical Trades

A photographic print of Sports, Boxing, General, Boys

A photographic print of Sports, Football, International Matches Only

A photographic print of Industries, [Co-operative Farming]


A photographic print of Sports, Table Tennis Only, (Including Teams & Crowds)

A photographic print of Army, Airborne, Gliders


A photographic print of Sports, Football, Football Teams, Bristol City

A photographic print of Ponies

A photographic print of Sports, Gymnastics, Women

A photographic print of Navy, Submarines

A photographic print of Matthews, Jessie

A photographic print of Daily Herald, General

A photographic print of Army, Foreign Service, (Pre-War)

A photographic print of Sports, Tennis, General - not Wimbledon

A photographic print of Industries, Agriculture, Harvesting & Reaping

A photographic print of Christmas, Children, General, including Parties

A photographic print of Aviation, Model Planes

A photographic print of Army, Militia

A photographic print of New Year Celebrations

A photographic print of Sports, Billiards & Snooker

A photographic print of Sports, Boxing, General, Amateur Only

A photographic print of Sports, Cricket, Australian Tour of England, 1938

A photographic print of Fashions, Ascot - Oaks, etc, 1935 - 1938

A photographic print of Seals & Sealions

A photographic print of Celebrations, May Day

A photographic print of Sports, Football, Football Teams, Crystal Palace

A photographic print of Industry, Printing - Newspaper, Daily Herald - Sun Editorial Departments

A photographic print of Housing, General Houses & Estates

A photographic print of Children, Playing in Parks

A photographic print of Navy, General, Reviews & Regattas

A photographic print of Sports, Football, League Matches, 1935 - 1938

A photographic print of Sports, Angling Only

A photographic print of Police, Murders, Leigh-on-Sea, Mr & Mrs Lucas 7-6-45

A photographic print of Industries, Agriculture, Dairy Produce, (not poultry)