Supplement to the short treatise on rail-roads generally

1829 in Leeds
Thomas Hill

Pamphlet. A supplement to the short treatise on rail-roads generally, explaining particularly the Liverpool and Manchester : also, the Leeds, Selby, and Hull rail-roads : the consequent great change that will be effected by them on property, with respect to innkeepers, coach proprietors, coach offices, carriers by land & water, and farmers; and which will shew that horse-power is cheaper, preferable, and more expeditious than locomotive engines, in the conveyance of passengers and merchandise upon the lines of road : also, a description of an inclined-plane, when it cannot be avoided; with machinery to assist the horses. Likewise, two plates; one shewing a single line of rail-road from Liverpool to Manchester, with three passing places only, equal to a double one, all the way, for coaches and light carriages travelling ten to twelve miles an hour. The other plate represents the termination of the intended East London rail-road, where twenty carriages can go off an enter upon it at the same time, without the least delay or confusion.


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Mayfly Ephemera & Books