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Battlefield Casualty Drills, an aide memoire booklet intended for use by British Army medics on active service, tenth edition January 2018.

Battlefield Casualty Drills


Inter-City 125 Review

circa 1978

'Ponderax' skin fold callipers, obesity booklet and eating guides, Harrow, England, 1967


Pamphlet titled, Great Exhibition Wot is to Be


Leaflet relating to smoking, London, England, c. 1957


Pamphlet for pocket microscope by James Mann and James Ayscough


Pamphlet - "Directions flow to use the Double Reflecting Microscope"

Pamphlet - "A description of the Eirometer"

4472 'Flying Scotsman' pamphlet


Leaflet relating to venereal disease, London, England, c. 1970-1980


Pamphlet - "A description of the Compound (commonly call'd the Reflecting or Double) microscope. With Great Improvements"


Pamphlet - "The description of Lane's improved portable microscope"


Octagonal card with information about New Horizons probe to Pluto


Yellow booklet (in James Morton's handwriting) 'Dyestuffs activity,' 1918-1922.

Packet of Portrait Studio Leaflets

Booklet: The World's Largest Pipe Organ

circa 1950

‘Common Sense Eating for rheumatism’, pamphlet, Gloucester, England, 1930-1940


Pamphlet, "Description of the use and application of a new patent saccharometer", by William Speer MRIA, 1806. For actual instrument see 1876-1072

Pamphlet, "Description of the use and application of a new patent saccharometer"


Pamphlet, 16 pages, ‘The Samaritans, Manchester & Salford Branch Report & Accounts 1991-1992’, 1992

The Samaritans, Manchester & Salford Branch Report & Accounts 1991-1992


Pamphlet: Experiences relatives a la production et a la transmission du son dans l'eau.

Pamphlet: Experiences relatives a la production et a la transmission du son dans l'eau


Pamphlet titled 'Debate on the presentation of Mr Gurney's Petition praying for the repeal of the legislative restrictions on Steam Engines running on the common roads'

Pamphlet about Gurney's petition for legislation repeal


"Stay Safe Guidelines Treoirlínte chun fanacht sábháilte, one booklet in English and Gaeilge, Coronavirus COVID-19 Public Health Advice published by Health Service Executive and Government of Ireland Rialtas na hÉireann, April 2020

COVID-19 guidelines in Irish and English


Card and paper booklet with the title "Principles of the Science of Tuning" by Charles Earl Stanhope, 1806

"Principles of the Science of Tuning" by Charles Earl Stanhope


Pamphlet. A supplement to the short treatise on rail-roads generally, explaining particularly the Liverpool and Manchester : also, the Leeds, Selby, and Hull rail-roads : the consequent great change that will be effected by them on property, with respect to innkeepers, coach proprietors, coach offices, carriers by land & water, and farmers; and which will shew that horse-power is cheaper, preferable, and more expeditious than locomotive engines, in the conveyance of passengers and merchandise upon the lines of road : also, a description of an inclined-plane, when it cannot be avoided; with machinery to assist the horses. Likewise, two plates; one shewing a single line of rail-road from Liverpool to Manchester, with three passing places only, equal to a double one, all the way, for coaches and light carriages travelling ten to twelve miles an hour. The other plate represents the termination of the intended East London rail-road, where twenty carriages can go off an enter upon it at the same time, without the least delay or confusion.

Supplement to the short treatise on rail-roads generally


Pamphlet, The Royal Scot - Visit of the train to the North American continent & the Century of Progress Exhibition, Chicago 1933, 4-fold pamphlet containing information on train facilities, sketch map and photos and brief notes of places of interest, cover illustration photo of inaugural ceremony.

The Royal Scot


Pamphlet entitled 'Darlington Locomotive Works', produced by British Railways. Contains a brief history of the locomotive works, statistics and facilities. Includes a brief description of the route taken by visits to the locomotive works with descriptions of the various departments and shops taken in during the tour. Also includes 2 maps of the works: 1 of Stooperdale Shops (boiler and paint shops) and 1 of the North Road Locomotive Works, both showing route of visit to the works. Pamphlet illustrated with photographs of the 'Erecting Shop, North Bay' (front cover) and the 'Boiler Shop, Stooperdale - Centre Bay' (inside front). 4 printed pages. Good condition.

Darlington Locomotive Works

circa 1950

Pamphlet (in the form of a photocopy) outlining the proposals of the Manchester & High Peak Railway Co. to operate rail services between Manchester and Buxton. The pamphlet also constitutes the first issue of of the Manchester & High Peak Rail Association's quarterly journal and was issued in January 1996. The scheme never progressed.

Manchester & High Peak Railway Co.


Small printed pamphlet describing where to see the eclipse of the sun in its totality, and special LNER facilities and tickets for observers. This booklet was advertised on LNER posters and was prepared in conjunction with the British Astronomical Society.

Eclipse of the Sun


Pamphlet, "The Probable Effects of the Proposed Railway from Birmingham to London Considered", 1831, 50 pages.

The Probable Effects of the Proposed Railway from Birmingham to London Considered


Polemical pamphlet opposing any extension of railways into the Lake District beyond the existing terminus at Windermere. Pamphlet compiled by Robert Somervell of Windermere and printed by J Garnett of Windermere. Pamphlet comprises several reprinted articles from various publications arguing for the preservation of the Lakes landscape from further railway construction, together with an essay by Robert Somervell, a preface in support from John Ruskin; and a model form of petition and protest letter for use when notification of a railway bill is received. Also contains two essays on the despoilation of Wakefield, Yorkshire, by industry.

A Protest against the Extension of Railways in the Lake District


Pamphlet containing "Ten outline lectures for study circles, with notes and bibliography for class leaders & students." Prepared for the Independent Labour Party by its Information Committee - I.L.P. Study Course No. 9.

Socialism and Railways

circa 1924

Pamphlet advertising "Day Tickets to London from Chester (General), trips leaving day from 14th June 1965 until 21st May 1966. Black and white photocopied sheet.

day tickets to london from chester (general)


Pamphlet, "Statement in support of the Proposed London Bridge & Charing Cross Railway", by S Smiles, J C Rees, E Ryde, 1858, 31 pages.

Statement in support of the Proposed London Bridge & Charing Cross Railway


Pamhplet, paper, Book of Reference to plans of the intended Invergarry and Fort-Augustus Railway (Inverness Extension), published by the Invergarry & Fort Augustus Railway, printed by the Northern Counties Printing & Publishing Company Limited, Inverness, Nov. 1896. Contains names of owners and occupiers of land along the proposed route, with descriptions of the land. At the start is a notice of the intended bill from the Edinburgh Gazette. 70pp.

Book of Reference to plans of the intended Invergarry and Fort-Augustus Railway (Inverness Extension)


Pamhplet, paper, The Inverness and Fort-Augustus Railway Bill - Enthusiastic Meeting at Fort Augustus, 1896. Describes proceedings at public meeting to hear an address by Charles Innes about the Invergarry & Fort Augustus Railway bill for securing the route to Inverness along the shores of Loch Ness.

The Inverness and Fort-Augustus Railway Bill - Enthusiastic Meeting at Fort Augustus


Printed pamphlet. Gelatin silver print. 'Poland's Martyrdom: The German Invasion in Photographs and Facts', 1940 by George Him (1900-1982) and Jan Lewitt (1907-1991), M I Kolin Publishers. Introduction by P J Noel-Baker MP. Daily Herald Archive.

'Poland's Martyrdom: The German Invasion in Photographs and Facts', 1940


Pamphlet 'Ein einfachstes Haemochromoskop" by G. Rindfleisch, 1891.

Pamphlet 'Ein einfachstes Haemochromoskop" by G. Rindfleisch

[Pamphlet] Rae's Treatise on the Microscope and its Objects. [15p, 1866]

Rae's Treatise on the Microscope and its Objects


Pamphlet, The Sights of London, around the Metropolis by Great Western Railway Sight Seeing Motor Car commencing June 1st 1909.

Pamphlet, The Sights of London


Book, "A description of an astronomical instrument, being the orrery reduc'd : which shews the use of it so far as relates to the motion of the Earth and Moon, explain'd to the meanest capacity, made either in silver, brass or wood.", by Thomas Wright and published by Thomas Wright, London, c.1720. Located at the Science Museum Library at Wroughton. Shelfmark: O.B. WRI WRIGHT.

Astronomy book by Thomas Wright


A pamphlet in the form of an 8-page progress report, issued in Novemeber 1948, to Kodak dealers, professional photographers and photo-finishers. Page two lists 'off the ration' Kodak products now available following wartime rationing of films, papers and chemicals. On the reverse cover page, details are given of Kodak wholesale branches and a notice regarding advertising requests for advertising materials which they cannot supply due to "government restrictions which limit our advertising activities".

'A Message From Kodak, Progress Report'


[Pamphlet] How to See & Understand The Great Eclipse of the Sun (March 15th, 1858) : Explained, Illustrated, and Described / by J.R. Hind. 1858. [12p. Hind was of the Bishop's Observatory, Regent's Park]

Pamphlet How to See & Understand The Great Eclipse of the Sun


Booklet, Railway Engineering School, Derby published c 1980, describing the location and facilities of the school with a list of senior staff

Railway Engineering School Derby


Pamphlet, Clyde Coast steamer services 1 Sept- 5 Oct 1947, containing timetables and tariffs for steamers along the Clyde Coast between 1 Sept-5 Oct. 1947 Produced by LMS.

Clyde Coast steamer services 1 Sept- 5 Oct 1947


7 page pamphlet, Clyde Coast steamer services 16 June-31 Aug 1947, containing timetables and tariffs for steamers along the Clyde Coast between 16 June-31 Aug. 1947 Produced by LMS.

Clyde Coast steamer services 16 June-31 Aug.1947


Clyde Coast via Craigendoran. Train & steamer services 16 Jun-13 Sept 1947, 7 page pamphlet, containing timetables and tariffs for trains and steamers along the Clyde Coast between 16 Jun-13 Sept. 1947 Produced by LNER.

Clyde Coast via Craigendoran. Train & steamer services 16 Jun-13 Sept 1947.


Pamphlet entitled 'Yesterday, today & tomorrow. Passenger Railways 150th Anniversary. Including Calendar of Events to Mark the Occasion', published by British Railways Board. Contains a brief history of railways in Britain, from Locomotion to the Railway Technical Centre at Derby, and looking forward to the Advanced Passenger Train (APT). Includes calendar of events throughout 1975 to mark the anniversary (including the opening of the National Railway Museum). 15 illustrated colour printed pages. Good condition.

Yesterday, today & tomorrow. Passenger Railways 150th Anniversary


Pamphlet, "Great Western Railway: Letter from Nicholas Wood, Esq, to the Directors", 14th January 1839, four pages.

Great Western Railway: Letter from Nicholas Wood, Esq, to the Directors


Pamphlet entitled'Integration of Freight Services by Road and Rail - a statement of policy' issued by British Transport Commission, London.

Pamphlet 'Integration of Freight Services....'


Pamhplet, paper, The Inverness and Fort-Augustus Railway Bill - Enthusiastic Meeting at Inverness, 1896. Describes proceedings at public meeting called by the directors of the Invergarry & Fort Augustus Railway about securing the route to Inverness along the shores of Loch Ness. Also includes extracts from evidence taken before the Parliamentary Committee in connection with the bill.

The Inverness and Fort-Augustus Railway Bill - Enthusiastic Meeting at Inverness