Coronet Flashmaster Camera
Coronet Flashmaster Camera. A basic moulded-plastic camera for 12 exposures on 120 rollfilm, fitted with a fixed-focus lens and a single-speed shutter. Serail Number H13004. This camera is synchronised for flash - hence the name. Manufactured between 1955 and 1959. A similar camera to the Cadet but with the advantage of flash synchronisation. In 1955 the Coronet Flashmaster retailed for £1 10s 0d.
- Category:
- Photographic Technology
- Collection:
- Kodak Collection
- Object Number:
- 1990-5036/9068
- Materials:
- plastic (unidentified), glass and white metal (unknown)
- type:
- box camera and rollfilm camera
- credit:
- The Kodak Collection at the National Media Museum, Bradford