Closed Intel 8008 microprocessor chip, 1972-1977
Two Intel 8008 microprocessor chips plus silicon wafer and two Intel 8080 microprocessor chips plus silicon wafer, Intel, United States, 1972-1977.
This object consists of two separate microprocessor chips: the Intel 8008 and the Intel 8080. The Intel 8008, released in 1972, was Intel’s second commercial microchip. It was the first 8-bit microprocessor, and was originally commissioned from Intel by the Computer Terminal Corporation. When they later chose to work with a different manufacturer Intel took the decision to market the 8008 themselves. Although proving only moderately successful in its own right, the 8008 helped to establish Intel as a microchip manufacturer. Two years later in 1974 Intel capitalised on their new status, releasing the Intel 8080 microprocessor. The chip was one of the first microprocessors powerful enough to build a computer around. It was used in the Altair 8800, one of the first personal computers, and the Intel 8080 became known as the ‘brains of the PC’.