Ever Ready No U.2 battery

Ever Ready battery. No 2.U. Made in Britain.
Part of the Bob Gray collection of electrical objects.
This zinc-carbon battery was probably made in the late 1930s for a hand torch or bicycle lamp. The U2 size (also known now as 'D' cell or British 'SP2') was created in the USA in 1898. The British Ever Ready company was a vigorous advertiser and went into radio manufacture in the mid 1930s in order to create a market for its goods. It went on to be a leading producer of consumer batteries in the UK over several decades.
- Category:
- Electricity Supply
- Object Number:
- Y2012.15.20
- Materials:
- metal (unknown) and cardboard
- Measurements:
60 mm, 30 mm, 10 g
- type:
- battery
- credit:
- Mr Robert Gray