Sewing machine used to repair nylon stockings and related documents
- Made:
- circa 1952 in Middlesex

Sewing machine used by Mrs Grace Dean to repair nylon stockings at her home in Altrincham from around 1952 to 1974. This hosiery repair machine was made by Dorothy Dean Ltd, Wealdstone.
Mrs Grace Dean set up a business repairing nylon stockings. She originally worked for an Altrincham-based company called Atlanta where they made hosiery. After learning her trade, she purchased this specialist ‘DD’ hosiery repairing machine. She ran her business whilst bringing up her family. According to her accounts book, her first clients were in 1952. The business continued for over 20 years until 1974.
Nylon was invented by the American company DuPont in the 1930s. Nylon stockings were sold for the first time in 1940. This was a milestone in the history of textiles, with this new synthetic polymer going on to replace rayon and silk. Nylon stockings were marketed as cheaper, more durable, quicker drying, and more elastic than the rayon and silk ones.
Because nylon could be used for parachutes and other army equipment needed during the Second World War, nylon stocking became a rarity. Ways had to be found to mend the ones people already owned. At first, holes or runs in stockings were mended by hand with thread and needle. Domestic electric hosiery repair machines were soon developed. This enabled entrepreneurial individuals with textile working skills, like Grace Dean, to set up businesses to meet the need for hosiery mending.