RoboThespian 3 robot actor

RoboThespian 3 robot actor RoboThespian 3 robot actor

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Science Museum Group Collection
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum, London

Science Museum Group Collection
© The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum, London

RoboThespian 3 robot actor, with two spare mechanical movement cables, air compressor, and power adapter / transformer, by Engineered Arts Ltd., Truro, Cornwall, England, 2016

RoboThespian was the first full-sized humanoid robot to be commercially produced. RoboThespian is an acting robot. Besides regular ‘gigs’ at science centres around the world, it has also starred in films and plays, performed stand-up comedy, and officiated at a wedding in China. RoboThespian employs a wide range of expressive behaviour to connect with its audience.

RoboThespian can wink, roll its eyes, flutter its eyelids and lock gazes with individuals using facial recognition software, wag a finger and make sweeping gestures to emphasise a point, deliver its lines in over 40 languages, and guess the gender, age and facial expressions of people watching it


Human Robotics
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