Gallium Selenide

Sample of 2D crystal Gallium Selenide (GaSe), made by Manchester Nanomaterials Limited, 2015.

A new class of 2D materials are now being isolated at the University of Manchester following on from the high-profile discovery of Graphene.

Graphene was the first single-layer material ever discovered. Sir Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov first isolated graphene at the University of Manchester in 2004. At only one atom thick it is the thinnest material possible, yet it is also the strongest - 200 times stronger than steel.

Manchester Nanomaterials Limited, a Manchester University spin-out company, is committed to supporting further research into graphene and other 2D materials. They sell samples of some of the other recently discovered 2D crystals, like this Gallium Selenide, making it possible for researchers all over the world to build on the 2D material science research which began in Manchester.


Scientific Instruments & Research
Object Number:
Gallium Selenide
Manchester Nanomaterial Limited