2net 'Health Hub' wireless monitor

2net 'Health Hub' wireless health monitor that uses machine to machine (M2M) connectivity to share biometric data, by Qualcomm, Malaysia, 2013

2net health hub wireless health monitor that uses machine to machine (M2M) connectivity to share biometric data, manufactured by Qualcomm, Malaysia, 2013.

As communications and computing technology became increasingly cheap, it began to be used to enable machines to communicate with each other automatically. Machine to machine, or M2M, technologies allowed large and complex systems, like electricity supplies, to be monitored and controlled automatically, as well as smaller more personal activities. This device, a ‘2net health hub’, is a wireless health monitor designed to connect to the manufacturer, Qualcomm’s, online health services. The health hub securely shared data from a users’ health monitoring devices so that medical practitioners could access their data remotely.


Computing & Data Processing
Object Number:
electronic components and plastic (unidentified)
overall: 95 mm x 70 mm x 70 mm, 145 g
health monitor
Donated by Qualcomm