History of early years of television

52 page document relating to the early years of television development in Britain. The author (Robert James William Horne (1911-2001) was involved in the early development of television. He worked for E. K. Cole (EKCO) the early years of television development before working on the development of Radar for EMI during the Second World War.The document covers the following topics and also contains numerous images and diagrams of early television apparatus.
• 1839 - Becquerel discovered photo-voltaic effect
• 1884 - Nipkow invented his now famous scanning disc.
• 1897 - Braun invented cathode ray tube.
• 1908 - Campbell Swinton proposed the Theoretical system of Cathode Ray Television
• 1919 - Mihaly succeeded in transmitting pictures by wireless.
• 1936 - 26th August world's first high definition television service started to broadcast it's preliminary test programmes.
• 1950 - Plans announced for extending television service.