Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and accessories, 1986

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) video game console with two controller pads, zapper (gun) controllerc, Power Pad dance mat and video games: Dance Areobics, Tetris, Double Dragon, Super Mario Bros 2, Mickey Mousecapade and compilation cartridge of Super Mario Bros, Duck Hunt and World Class Track Meet, made by Nintendo Company Ltd, 1986-1989

In 1983 the video game industry in the US went into drastic decline, caused in part by a saturated market of consoles and games, often of low quality, and a subsequent loss of confidence in video gaming. The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), a redesigned version of the company’s Famicom (Family computer) console, became Nintendo’s first home console released outside Japan. The NES was intentionally named and designed to distance itself from previous consoles and their poor reputation. As a huge commercial success, the NES is attributed with helping to revive the video game industry following the 1983 crash and securing Nintendo’s place as a world leading video game company.


Computing & Data Processing
Object Number:
metal (unknown) and plastic (unidentified)
games console