Whitetail anti-bacterial sanitiser spray, 2020

2020 in Mull, Island of

Bottle of 30 ml Whitetail anti-bacterial sanitiser spray, made by Whitetail Spirits Limited, Isle of Mull, 2020

With pubs, restaurants, off-licenses and trade all closed due to the COVID-19 during the first wave of the virus in spring 2020, many distilleries were faced with stopping production. However, like many others, Whitetail Spirits turned their expertise to produce much needed hand sanitiser.

In the first instance, the product went to the local communities who needed it most. After a call out, people donated bottles so the distillery could produce 2000 bottles. It is now a permanent part of the their range. Opened in 2019, the company taken their name from the White-tailed Eagle living on the Isle of Mull.


Public Health & Hygiene
Object Number:
plastic (unidentified) and alcohol
overall: 104 mm 27 mm,
hand sanitiser