Aldi face covering

2020-2022 in unknown place

Navy blue Aldi branded face covering, of the type given to Aldi staff during the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant effect on supermarkets and their staff. Spending in supermarkets increased, particularly in the first few months of the pandemic and staff were considered key workers. However, there was also a large impact on working conditions. Every year, the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (USDAW) produce a report on violence against retail workers. In 2020, they found that over 80% of retail workers surveyed experienced verbal abuse and 79% felt that violence and abuse had become ‘worse or much worse’ during the pandemic. In supermarkets, enforcing COVID-19 restrictions, like face coverings, queues, one-way systems, and social distancing, were flashpoints. At the start of the pandemic, limits on how many products people could buy were also a trigger.


Public Health & Hygiene
Object Number:
face covering