On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Model steam engine

Model triple expansion marine steam engine

Replica of Faraday coil

Model diesel engine

Model Wankel engine

Air Meter


De Havilland 'Spectre' 1953 aircraft-assisting rocket engine.


Stirn waistcoat camera. c.1888. No.6227


Working demonstration showing a model boat sailing against the wind


Watt's experimental engine with separate condenser

Model four-stroke engine

Model table steam engine, c.1850.


square panel of gold leaf

One model of Cockcroft and Walton Laboratory.

Model of Cockcroft and Walton's Laboratory

Wet collodion sensitising bath c 1890; closed; with brass carrying handle.

Wet collodion sensitising bath


Heinrici hot air engine.

Heinrici hot air engine

Collection of ten specimens of radioactive minerals: Allanite from South Africa, Carnotite from USA, Davidite from Mozambique, Granite from Cornwall, Kolm from Sweden, Monazite sand from India, Pitchblende (with alteration products) from Portugal, Samarskite from Kenya, Uraninite from the Congo, Uraninite (with alteration products) from Tanzania.

Collection of ten specimens of radioactive minerals: Allanite from South Africa

Brunsviga calculating machine No. 10089. c.1900.

Brunsviga calculating machine


Specimen of amber from Baltic coast.

amber from Baltic coast

Munroe calculator, 1920.

Munroe calculator, 1920.


Brunsviga calculating machine No. 10433. c.1910.

Brunsviga calculating machine


One Newman and Sinclair news and studio camera with 4 lenses, two film cassettes and a carrying case.

One Newman and Sinclair news and studio camera with 4 lenses

One "Maxwell's Demon" exhibit.

Maxwell's Demon exhibit

Lee sonic ear valve (regulates the passage of sound into the ear).

Lee sonic ear valve

Three models of Hawker Siddeley "Harrier" aircraft.

Three models of Hawker Siddeley "Harrier" aircraft

One Cartesian Diver

Cartesian Diver

Miniature first pocket all-metal plate camera by Marion. c.1885. (with 4 plates)

Miniature first pocket all-metal plate camera


360 degree variable thin-film spectral filter. 4" diameter disc. Coated. Glass substrate. Multichroic filter.

360 degree variable thin-film spectral filter

1937 H.M.V. Television set; screen image reflected by mirror;model No.901;Serial No. H.7242

Television set


Demonstration to show vectograph stereoscopic effect, using Vectograph transparencies.

Demonstration to show vectograph stereoscopic effect

Demonstration to show colour effects with circularly polarised light, using polaroid filters.

Demonstration to show colour effects with circularly polarised light

Ripple tank.

Ripple tank.

2A Kodak Brownie folding autographic pocket camera No.A116, c.1914

2A Kodak Brownie folding autographic pocket camera No.A116


One chromel-constantin pyro-couple with matched millivoltmeter.

One chromel-constantin pyro-couple with matched millivoltmeter.

100mls. of heavy water

100mls. of heavy water

Newton's rings apparatus.

Newton's rings apparatus

Speech analysis demonstration unit.

Speech analysis demonstration unit.

Wireless set. Peto-Scott, 4-valve, 1946.

4-valve wireless set


One scale buoy (claimed to prevent depositing of scale in boilers).

One scale buoy

Oil-on-canvas mural in three sections, each 12 ft x 9ft, depicting ships of all ages. Neg. No:4535.

Oil-on-canvas mural in three sections,

Sample, two inches wide x 20 inches long of woven carbon fibre, type II.

Sample, two inches wide x 20 inches long of woven carbon fibre

Sample of one half-inch square section x 8 inches long carbon fibre rod.

Sample of one half-inch square section x 8 inches long carbon fibre rod

Additive colour mixing exhibit.

Additive colour mixing

Exhibit showing computer-designed stereo patterns, by Julesz.

Exhibit showing computer-designed stereo patterns

Philips radio receiver Type No.213U, Serial No.M13637, c.1936.

Philips radio receiver Type No.213U

Sectioned electric two-speed drill, Wolf 1966

Sectioned electric two-speed drill, Wolf 1966


Demonstration to show forces acting upon sails & keel of a boat when sailing windward.

Demonstration of forces upons sails & keel of a boat

Photo-chemistry demonstration.

Photo-chemistry demonstration.

Spinthariscope. 1" diameter x 1 5/8" long. Manufactured by Negretti & Zambra. Engraved: W. Crookes, 1903.



Centrifugal force demonstration to show that if diameter at which weights rotate is reduced, there is an increase in velocity.

Centrifugal force demonstration