Hydraulic jigger and crane. the ram and its chain are mounted vertically on a base which contains to pulleys to guide the chain across the centre of the crane past itself. Crane arm has pulley at the end over which chain reins to weighted hook. This crane was originally mounted separately on cast iron brackets. Warehouse built in 1850's, date of hydraulic instillation. Hydraulic jigger and crane
No.1 Fork lift truck with shackle, chain, hook & running ball crane jib forks No.1 Fork lift truck with shackle
Taylor Hydracrane with bucket grab and gun barrel clamp grab, world's first production mobile hydraulic crane, 1946. Mobile Hydraulic Crane, 'Taylor Hydracrane' 1946
PAM-2 (Programmable arm manipulator) robot (XYZ coordinates) with electropneumatic drive mechanism, manufactured by V.S. Remek Ltd., with remote pendant teaching unit, c.1977 PAM-2 (Programmable arm manipulator) robot (XYZ coordinates) with electropneumatic drive mechanism
Manual hoist; in parts, likely complete, but no chain visible. Manufactured by Carter, Salford. Manual Hoist circa 1933