
Multiplication of P by Q

Notation of vertical positions, giving off and receiving

Notation of units, multiplication

Sketch of mould for adding column collars.

Part of the end view of the Difference Engine

Plan 27. Linear arrangement with letter notations.

Drawing of the Difference Engine

Drawing, sheet 3, un-mounted.

Motions of the printing apparatus

Motions of the stereotype frames

Circular motions of the calculating axes

Untitled. Plan for raising axes (vertical motion) of the Difference Engine. Locking plates and travelling platforms.

Motions of the stereotype frames

Part of the Planing machine.

Number of parts and working points.

Untitled rough sketch of machine parts.

Untitled. [Drawings of cams]


Scribbling Book Volume II



Notation of units

Notation of units

Locking motions for carriage column.

Standard case of approximate multiplication. Sheet 3 of 4.

Approximative division. Standard case. Sheet 4 of 12.

Division, continued. Sheet 2 of 12.

Multiplication. Sheet 1 of 4.

36 variations of approximative division. Sheet 12 of 12.

Approximative division, continued. Sheet 10 of 12.

Approximative division, continued. Sheet 7 of 12.

Approximative division, continued. Sheet 8 of 12.

Verticals for division. Sheet 1 of 4.

Verticals for approximative division. Sheet 2 of 4.

Notation of lockings - store. Sheet 3 of 3.

Notation of multiplication with hoarded carriages, beginning with the highest figure of multiplier. Sheet 1 of 2.

Notation of division. Two figure wheels in each cage. Two cycles. Sheet 1 of 2.

Racks, cycle of 20. Sheet 2 of 2.

Mill cycles of 15 and 20. Sheet 1 of 2.

Notation of lockings. Sheet 1 of 3.

Verticals. Division. Sheet 2 of 3.

Case of division used while discussing the selectors. Sheet 1 of 3.

Addition and subtraction of 120 figures. Sheet 3 of 3.

Selectors, drawings 82 and 83, using. Sheet 2 of 4.

Algebraic addition if more than 40 figures. Cases 1 and 2. Sheet 1 of 6.

General notation of possible trains. Sheet 1 of 3.

Notation of the directive introduced into division for approximative division. Sheet 2 of 2.

Trains on "F and I during operations in the mill. Sheet 1 of 3

Case of division used while discussing the selecting apparatus. Sheet 3 of 3.

General notation of possible trains. Sheet 3 of 3.