0.4 linear metres

Manuals for the ICL 'One Per Desk' microcomputer

16 floppy disks and 15 manuals

ICL Rair Computer manuals and system floppy disks

2 items

Photographs of ICL circuit board assembly

2 linear metres

Papers relating to the 3SL Estriel Mainframe Computer

16 items

Archive relating to the ICL Series 39 SX Computer

3 boxes (86 items)

Collection of computing-related material, predominantly relating to the work of the International Computers Limited

11 volumes

Collection of manuals illustrating online management of factories and retail businesses

1 box

Beeching computer archive collection

3 boxes, 10 volumes and 1 envelope

Miscellaneous collection of computing papers

Comprises mainly manuals and software related material of ICL, but also of companies related to, or subsumed into, ICL including British Tabulating Machine Co. Ltd., International Computers & Tabulators Ltd., Hollerith, Powers-Samas, English Electric Computers, et al. Also includes numerous files of J.M.M. Pinkerton (1947-86) and technical drawings of LEO computer.

Archive of International Computers Ltd.

14 items

Collection of documents and ICL PLAN source listings referring to subroutines written in the PLAN programming language used to create a tailored word processing program for users in the printing and publishing industry

5 boxes of files, notebooks, disks and circuits

Research Papers of Ken Johnson related to Ferranti Computers

3 boxes containing 61 items

Archive of Eric George Lofthouse

6 boxes

Collection of Deeds of Conveyance for Union Iron Works, West Gorton

1 volume

Manual for PERQ 1a computer


Memory dump of hyphenation program for 1500 computer


An Approach to the Automatic of Syllabification German


German Syllabification


German Hyphenation Program


ICL PLAN assembly listing of subroutine X6HYP3, including X6HYPSEEK search subroutine


Extract from ICL manual on the design of the hyphenation table


Hyphenation – A paper on implementation of the ICL approach


Partial flowchart of hyphenation logic


ICL PLAN source listing of subroutine X6HT50


ICT PLAN Summarised Programming Information


ICT PLAN Summarised Programming Information


ICL PLAN source listing of X6HYP1 and X6HYP2


ICL PLAN source listing of CCS program X6HT using the subordinates X6HYPAFRIK


ICL PLAN source listing of subroutine X6HYPAFRIK, including X6HYPSEEK search subroutine